English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

Well! when they found out that they hadn’t really been summoned, and that there was no fear of death, they were in a towering temper and said they had a great mind to fly away with the Castle, golden pillars and all.

On hearing this the servant pricked up his ears.

“Could you do that?” he asked.

“Could we?” they said, and they laughed loud.  “Why, we can do anything.”

Then the servant said ever so sharp, “Then move me this Castle and all it contains right away over the sea where the master can’t disturb us.”

Now the little red men need not really have obeyed the order, but they were so cross with Jack that hardly had the servant said the words before the task was done; so when the hunting-party came back, lo and behold! the Castle, and the church, and the golden pillars had all disappeared!

At first all the rest set upon Jack for being a knave and a cheat; and, in particular, his wife’s father threatened to have at him for deceiving the gay young daughter; but at last he agreed to let Jack have twelve months and a day to find the Castle and bring it back.

So off Jack starts on a good horse with some money in his pocket.

And he travelled far and he travelled fast, and he travelled east and west, north and south, over hills, and dales, and valleys, and mountains, and woods, and sheepwalks, but never a sign of the missing castle did he see.  Now at last he came to the palace of the King of all the Mice in the Wide World.  And there was a little mousie in a fine hauberk and a steel cap doing sentry at the front gate, and he was not for letting Jack in until he had told his errand.  And when Jack had told it, he passed him on to the next mouse sentry at the inner gate; so by degrees he reached the King’s chamber, where he sate surrounded by mice courtiers.

Now the King of the Mice received Jack very graciously, and said that he himself knew nothing of the missing Castle, but, as he was King of all the Mice in the whole world, it was possible that some of his subjects might know more than he.  So he ordered his chamberlain to command a Grand Assembly for the next morning, and in the meantime he entertained Jack right royally.

But the next morning, though there were brown mice, and black mice, and grey mice, and white mice, and piebald mice, from all parts of the world, they all answered with one breath: 

“If it please your Majesty, we have not seen the missing Castle.”

Then the King said, “You must go and ask my elder brother the King of all the Frogs.  He may be able to tell you.  Leave your horse here and take one of mine.  It knows the way and will carry you safe.”

So Jack set off on the King’s horse, and as he passed the outer gate he saw the little mouse sentry coming away, for its guard was up.  Now Jack was a kind-hearted lad, and he had saved some crumbs from his dinner in order to recompense the little sentry for his kindness.  So he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the crumbs.

Project Gutenberg
English Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.