Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

In practical construction we first file away about two-fifths of F and then grind the flat side on a glass slab to a flat, even surface and, of course, equal thickness from end to end.  We reproduce the sleeve G as shown at Fig. 113 as if seen from the left and in the direction of the axis of the bar F.  To prevent the bar F turning on its axis, we insert in the sleeve G a piece of wire of the same size as F but with three-fifths cut away, as shown at y, Fig. 121.  This piece y is soldered in the sleeve G so its flat face stands vertical.  To give service and efficiency to the screw h, we thicken the side of the sleeve F by adding the stud w, through which the screw h works.  A soft metal plug goes between the screw h and the bar F, to prevent F being cut up and marred.  It will be seen that we can place the top plate of a full-plate movement in the device shown at Fig. 109 and set the vertical centers I so the cone points n will rest in the pivot holes of the escape wheel and pallets.  It is to be understood that the lower side of the top plate is placed uppermost in the movement holder.

[Illustration:  Fig. 121]

If we now reverse the ends of the centers I and let the pivots of the escape wheel and pallet staff rest in the hollow cones of these centers I, we have the escape wheel and pallets in precisely the same position and relation to each other as if the lower plate was in position.  It is further to be supposed that the balance is in place and the cock screwed down, although the presence of the balance is not absolutely necessary if the banking screws are set as directed, that is, so the jewel pin will just freely pass in and out of the fork.


We have now come to setting or manipulating the pallet stones so they will act in exact conjunction with the fork and roller.  To do this we need to have the shellac which holds the pallet stones heated enough to make it plastic.  The usual way is to heat a piece of metal and place it in close proximity to the pallets, or to heat a pair of pliers and clamp the pallet arms to soften the cement.

Of course, it is understood that the movement holder cannot be moved about while the stones are being manipulated.  The better way is to set the movement holder on a rather heavy plate of glass or metal, so that the holder will not jostle about; then set the lamp so it will do its duty, and after a little practice the setting of a pair of pallet stones to perfectly perform their functions will take but a few minutes.  In fact, if the stones will answer at all, three to five minutes is as much time as one could well devote to the adjustment.  The reader will see that if the lever is properly banked all he has to do is to set the stones so the lock, draw and drop are right, when the entire escapement is as it should be, and will need no further trial or manipulating.

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.