Craftsmanship in Teaching eBook

William Bagley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Craftsmanship in Teaching.

Craftsmanship in Teaching eBook

William Bagley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Craftsmanship in Teaching.

I do not decry that educational policy of to-day which insists that school work should be made as simple and attractive as possible.  I do decry that misinterpretation of this policy which looks at the matter from the other side, and asserts so vehemently that the child should never be asked or urged to do something that is not easy and attractive.  It is only because there is so much in the world to be done that, for the sake of economizing time and strength, we should raise the child as quickly and as rapidly and as pleasantly as possible to the plane that the race has reached.  But among all the lessons of race experience that we must teach him there is none so fundamental and important as the lesson of achievement itself,—­the supreme lesson wrung from human experience,—­the lesson, namely, that every advance that the world has made, every step that it has taken forward, every increment that has been added to the sum total of progress has been attained at the price of self-sacrifice and effort and struggle,—­at the price of doing things that one does not want to do.  And unless a man is willing to pay that price, he is bound to be the worst kind of a social parasite, for he is simply living on the experience of others, and adding to this capital nothing of his own.

It is sometimes said that universal education is essential in order that the great mass of humanity may live in greater comfort and enjoy the luxuries that in the past have been vouchsafed only to the few.  Personally I think that this is all right so far as it goes, but it fails to reach an ultimate goal.  Material comfort is justified only because it enables mankind to live more effectively on the lower planes of life and give greater strength and greater energy to the solution of new problems upon the higher planes of life.  The end of life can never be adequately formulated in terms of comfort and ease, nor even in terms of culture and intellectual enjoyment; the end of life is achievement, and no matter how far we go, achievement is possible only to those who are willing to pay the price.  When the race stops investing its capital of experience in further achievement, when it settles down to take life easily, it will not take it very long to eat up its capital and revert to the plane of the brute.


But I am getting away, from my text.  You will remember that I said that the most useful thing that we can teach the child is to attack strenuously and resolutely any problem that confronts him whether it pleases him or not, and I wanted to be certain that you did not misinterpret me to mean that we should, for this reason, make our school tasks unnecessarily difficult and laborious.  After all, while our attitude should always be one of interesting our pupils, their attitude should always be one of effortful attention,—­of willingness to do the task that we think it best for them to do.  You see it is a sort of a double-headed policy, and how to carry it out is a perplexing problem.  Of so much I am certain, however, at the outset:  if the pupil takes the attitude that we are there to interest and entertain him, we shall make a sorry fiasco of the whole matter, and inasmuch as this very tendency is in the air at the present time, I feel justified in at least referring to its danger.

Project Gutenberg
Craftsmanship in Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.