Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
The prisoners are ordered to Vannes, with General
Sombreuil, the bishop of Dol, and other
considerable persons. 
Tallien, in his reports to the convention, states
the loss of the royalists at 10,000 men and that of
the republicans as trifling; his whole report
appears extravagant. 
Another victory over the Spaniards is gained by the
Peace is concluded with Spain. 
Fresh, but unsuccessful, attempts are made to
induce the convention to give up the republican
23.  Ordered, that the committee of legislation make a
report upon all the laws relative to divorce.
28.  Read in the convention the treaty concluded at
Basle between France and Spain. 
The convention decrees two festivals, one in honour
of the fall of Robespierre, the other of the 10th
of August.
30.  Mons. Querini, ambassador from Venice, arrives at
Report of another victory obtained over the
Spaniards the 17th of this month. 
A plot discovered at Rome to open the prisons, to
put to death the principal persons of the
government, and burn the houses of the cardinals. 
A proclamation from Louis XVIII. to all his
subjects, dated Verona. 
The chiefs of the royalist army solicit succours
from the British government.
Aug. 1.  Motion by La Riviere “to pursue with national
“justice all execrable terrorists”. 
Comartin, Jarry, Boisgontier, and eight chiefs of
the Chouans, contrary to the faith of the treaty,
are seized and brought up to Paris.
2.  The convention ratifies the peace with Spain. 
The laws of divorce suspended. 
All the departments make great complaints to the
convention of a scarcity.
3.  The eight chiefs of the Chouans, Comartin, Jarry,
Gazel, la Nourraye, Salignac, Dufour, Boisgontier,
and de la Haye, delivered to the military tribunal. 
Disorders at St. Omer’s. 
The workmen at the wharfs (sic) at Paris refuse to
work without two hundred livres a day wages.
4.  Boudin moves to put an end to the revolution.
6.  The colonies decreed a part of the French empire.
8.  Journalists denounced; several deputies arrested,
among whom is Lequinis. 
More deputies denounced; Dupin, Piori, Po, Massieu,
Chaudron, Rousseau, Fourche, and la Planche,
decreed in a state of accusation. 
The Count Sombreuil, the Bishop of Dol, and 600
emigrants, condemned by the tribunal of Vannes to
be shot.
13.  In the prisons of Paris 4413 persons are confined. 
Nantes in great distress. 
The convention discusses the subject of a
A deputation from Belgium demands to be united with
the French republic.
16.  Treaty of friendship between the French nation and
the regency of Tunis. 
The convention decrees a new constitution. 
The King of Spain ratifies the treaty of peace with
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.