Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth.

Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth.
19 | 43.95 | 50.80 | | 20 | 46.26 | 53.11 | | 21 | 48.57 | 55.42 | | 22 | 50.89 | 57.74 | | 23 | 53.20 | 60.05 | | 24 | 55.51 | 62.36 | | 25 | 57.82 | 64.67 | | 26 | 60.14 | 66.99 | | 27 | 62.45 | 69.30 | | 28 | 64.76 | 71.61 | | 29 | 67.08 | 73.93 | | 30 | 69.39 | 76.24 | | 31 | 71.70 | 78.55 | | 32 | 74.01 | 80.86 | | 33 | 76.33 | 83.18 | | 34 | 78.64 | 85.49 | | 35 | 80.95 | 87.80 | | 36 | 83.27 | 90.12 | | 37 | 85.58 | 92.43 | | 38 | 87.89 | 94.74 | | 39 | 90.20 | 97.05 | | 40 | 92.52 | 99.37 | | 41 | 94.83 |101.68 | | 42 | 97.14 |103.99 | | 43 | 99.46 |106.31 | | 44 |101.77 |108.62 | | 45 |104.08 |110.93 | | 46 |106.39 |113.24 | | __________|___________|_____________|______________|
NOTE.--Equivalent depth in feet = ------ x pressure.

E.P.  GOODRICH, M. AM.  SOC.  C. E. (by letter).—­This paper is to be characterized by superlatives.  Parts of it are believed to be exceptionally good, while other parts are considered equally dangerous.  The author’s experimental work is extremely interesting, and the writer believes the results obtained to be of great value; but the analytical work, both mathematical and logical, is emphatically questioned.

The writer believes that, in the design of permanent structures, consideration of arch action should not be included, at least, not until much more information has been obtained.  He also believes that the design of temporary structures with this inclusion is actually dangerous in some instances, and takes the liberty of citing the following statement by the author, with regard to his first experiment: 

“About an hour after the superimposed load had been removed, the writer jostled the box with his foot sufficiently to dislodge some of the exposed sand, when the arch at once collapsed and the bottom fell to the ground.”

The writer emphatically questions the author’s ideas as to “the thickness of key” which “should be allowed” over tunnels, believing that conditions within an earth mass, except in very rare instances, are such that true arch action will seldom take place to any definite extent, through any considerable depths.  Furthermore, the author’s

Project Gutenberg
Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.