Greenwich Village eBook

Anna Alice Chapin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Greenwich Village.

Greenwich Village eBook

Anna Alice Chapin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about Greenwich Village.

In 1830 there was a grand celebration there in joint honour of the anniversary of the British evacuation and the crowning of Louis Philippe in France.  Everybody sang patriotic French and American airs, sent off fireworks, fired salutes and had a wildly enthusiastic time.  Incidentally, there were speeches by ex-President Monroe and the Hon. Samuel Gouveneur.  Enoch Crosby, who was the original of Fenimore Cooper’s famous Harvey Birch in “The Spy,” was present, and so was David Williams, one of the captors of Major Andre,—­not to mention about thirty thousand others!

This year saw, too, the founding of the University of the City of New York, on the east side of the Square,—­or rather, the Parade Ground, as it was then.  That fine old educational institution came close to having its cornerstones christened with blood, for it was the occasion of the well-known,—­shall we say the notorious?—­“Stonecutters’ Riots.”  The builders contracted for work to be done by the convicts of Sing Sing Prison, and the city workmen, or Stonecutters’ Guild,—­already strong for unions,—­objected.  In fact, they objected so strenuously that the Twenty-seventh Regiment (now our popular Seventh) was called out, and stayed under arms in the Square for four days and nights; after which the disturbance died down.

The next important labour demonstration in the Square was in 1855, when, during a period of “hard times,” eight thousand workmen assembled there with drums and trumpets, and made speeches in the most approved and up-to-date agitator style, collecting a sum of money which went well up into four figures!

In 1833 society folded its wings and settled down with something resembling permanence upon the corner of the “Snug Harbour” lands, which formed the famous North Side of Washington Square.  Of all social and architectural centres of New York, Washington Square North has changed least.  Progress may come or go, social streams may flow upward with as much speed, energy and ambition as they will; the eddies leave one quiet and lovely pool unstirred.  That fine row of stately houses remains the symbol of dignified beauty and distinction and an aristocracy that is not old-fashioned but perennial.

Such names as we read associated with the story of Washington Square and its environs!  Names great in politics and patriotism, in art and literature, in learning and distinction, in fashion and fame and architecture.  Hardly one of them but is connected with great position or great achievement or both.  Rhinelander, Roosevelt, Hamilton, Chauncey, Wetmore, Howland, Suffern, Vanderbilt, Phelps, Winthrop,—­the list is too long to permit citing in full.  Three mayors have lived there, and in the immediate vicinity dwelt such distinguished literary persons as Bayard Taylor, Henry James, George William Curtis, N.P.  Willis (Nym Crynkle), our immortal Poe himself, Anne Lynch,—­poetess and hostess of one of the first and most distinguished salons of America—­Charles Hoffman, editor of the Knickerbocker, and so on.  Another centre of wit and wisdom was the house of Dr. Orville Dewey,—­whose Unitarian Church, at Broadway and Waverly Place, was the subject of the first successful photograph in this country by the secret process confided to Morse by Daguerre.

Project Gutenberg
Greenwich Village from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.