Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

I often marvel that never yet been at loss for suitable text to talk about at graves.  In beginning I used to have half-hour’s quiet before funerals to meditate; now my meditation comes off as we slowly wind to the sacred acre; and yet there has always been “sufficient” and “according to the need.”

Visited old Mrs. Dussels, mother of Mrs. Grobelaar—­“zoo tevreden, zoo stil, zoo olijmoedig, door God’s genade” (So content, so quiet, so glad, through God’s grace).

Village to-day; jam; autoharp tuned; roses; treat for supper; “rooster koek (scones) and grape jam.

After supper called to sick old man; old Mr. Hennings very, very weak; words of cheer; prayer; wonder if I shall ever see him alive again; don’t think it; tent 8.

N.B.—­So all my brag of last day “nul en van geene waarde” (null and void).

Mrs. Grobelaar, dead and buried.

Mrs. Van Wyk, “As you were.”


* * * * *

Sunday, October 20.—­The blessedness of eventide, the satisfaction after long and hard day’s work; delicious feeling of rest and contentment; soothing is such solitude.

Yesterday rather “offish” whole day; felt just as though “it wouldn’t come.”

Visited family of Afgescheiden people; sterling Christian old lady, Mrs. Van der Heever.

In so far am at rest now with regard Mrs. Van Wyk; with doctor’s help we have got her and baby safely lodged in hospital; some consolation anyhow.

In fever ward found Mrs. Olivier dying; fine, strong woman.  How cruel and relentless is Death; prayed at bedside; quite unconscious, and passed away some minutes after.

Very painful task yesterday, matter which has been awaiting investigation some days already.  Young girl of sixteen ran away to River with view to getting into British lines.  Bad character since last year, when British entered Bethulie.  Sent with mother to Bloemfontein Camp on that account by military.  Weeks ago she was brought back from river, but refused to return to mother; found she was staying with notorious villian E——­, whose wife ill in hospital....

Yesterday afternoon Mr. Becker, Elder du Toit, and self straight talk with E——.  But oh, what a blackguard he is, and how devilishly good and obedient!  Made himself out a second good Samaritan.

Took her to mother; willing to forgive and receive her back, if she is truly repentant and promises to remain and obey.  And now?  The Lord only knows.  Mr. Becker promised to call this afternoon; must hold eye on her; must make her feel and know that we desire only her welfare.  Feel convinced that unless we get her converted to God everything will be in vain.

Hurried off to village; breakfast parsonage; return with magnificent leg of mutton and salad; flowers.

Church service soon after; fortunately could use sermon prepared for last Wednesday afternoon, “Het leven is mij Christus, het sterven is mij gewin” (For me to live is Christ, to die is gain).  Splendid congregation at both places.

Project Gutenberg
Woman's Endurance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.