The Egoist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 707 pages of information about The Egoist.

The Egoist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 707 pages of information about The Egoist.

“So you made yourself up a comfortable bed in the drawing-room?  Luckily Sir Willoughby didn’t see you.”

“He didn’t, though!”

“A close shave, was it?”

“I was under a covering of something silk.”

“He woke you?”

“I suppose he did.  I heard him.”


“He was talking.”

“What! talking to himself?”


The secret threatened Crossjay to be out or suffocate him.  De Craye gave him a respite.

“You like Sir Willoughby, don’t you?”

Crossjay produced a still-born affirmative.

“He’s kind to you,” said the colonel; “he’ll set you up and look after your interests.”

“Yes, I like him,” said Crossjay, with his customary rapidity in touching the subject; “I like him; he’s kind and all that, and tips and plays with you, and all that; but I never can make out why he wouldn’t see my father when my father came here to see him ten miles, and had to walk back ten miles in the rain, to go by rail a long way, down home, as far as Devonport, because Sir Willoughby wouldn’t see him, though he was at home, my father saw.  We all thought it so odd:  and my father wouldn’t let us talk much about it.  My father’s a very brave man.”

“Captain Patterne is as brave a man as ever lived,” said De Craye.

“I’m positive you’d like him, colonel.”

“I know of his deeds, and I admire him, and that’s a good step to liking.”

He warmed the boy’s thoughts of his father.

“Because, what they say at home is, a little bread and cheese, and a glass of ale, and a rest, to a poor man—­lots of great houses will give you that, and we wouldn’t have asked for more than that.  My sisters say they think Sir Willoughby must be selfish.  He’s awfully proud; and perhaps it was because my father wasn’t dressed well enough.  But what can we do?  We’re very poor at home, and lots of us, and all hungry.  My father says he isn’t paid very well for his services to the Government.  He’s only a marine.”

“He’s a hero!” said De Craye.

“He came home very tired, with a cold, and had a doctor.  But Sir Willoughby did send him money, and mother wished to send it back, and my father said she was not like a woman—­with our big family.  He said he thought Sir Willoughby an extraordinary man.”

“Not at all; very common; indigenous,” said De Craye.  “The art of cutting is one of the branches of a polite education in this country, and you’ll have to learn it, if you expect to be looked on as a gentleman and a Patterne, my boy.  I begin to see how it is Miss Middleton takes to you so.  Follow her directions.  But I hope you did not listen to a private conversation.  Miss Middleton would not approve of that.”

“Colonel De Craye, how could I help myself?  I heard a lot before I knew what it was.  There was poetry!”

“Still, Crossjay, if it was important—­was it?”

Project Gutenberg
The Egoist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.