History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8).

History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8).
  fortifies Mt.  Aurasium against the Moors, IV. xx, 22;
  fortifies many Libyan cities with money captured from Iaudas,
    IV. xix. 3, xx. 29;
  subjugates Zabe, or “First Mauritania,” IV. xx. 30;
  appealed to by Sergius for help, IV. xxi. 16;
  incurs the enmity of Antalas, IV. xxi. 17, xxii. 7, 8;
  marches against the Moors, IV. xxi. 19;
  his overtures scorned by the Leuathae, IV. xxi. 20-22;
  captures some booty and refuses to distribute it to the
  soldiers, IV. xxi. 23, 24;
  defeated by the Moors and slain, IV. xxi. 25-28;
  Justinian’s regard for him, IV. xxii. 11;
  builds and fortifies a monastery in Carthage, IV. xxvi. 17;
  standards of, recovered from the Moors, IV. xxviii. 46

Solomon the younger, brother of Cyrus and Sergius;
  marches with Solomon against the Moors, IV. xxi. 19;
  his capture and release, IV. xxii. 12-17

Solomon, king of the Jews, IV. ix. 7

Sophia, temple of, in Byzantium;
  appropriateness of its name, III. vi. 26

Spain, settled by the Vandals, III. iii. 2, 22;
  invaded by Constantinus, III. ii. 31;
  settled by the Visigoths, III. iii. 26. xxiv. 7, IV. iv. 34

Stagnum, a harbour near Carthage, III. xv. 15;
  the Roman fleet anchors there, III. xx. 15, 16

Stotzas, a body-guard of Martinus, destined not to return to
  Byzantium, III. xi. 30;
  chosen tyrant by the mutineers, IV. xv. 1;
  marches on Carthage, IV. xv. 2;
  invites the Vandals to join his army, IV. xv. 3, 4;
  demands the surrender of Carthage, IV. xv. 5;
  kills the envoy Joseph, and besieges Carthage, IV. xv. 8;
  addresses his troops, IV. xv. 30-39;
  defeated by Belisarius, IV. xv. 40 ff.;
  his forces gather in Numidia, IV. xv. 50;
  the Romans march against him at Gazophyla, IV. xv. 52;
  comes alone into the Roman army and addresses the soldiers,
    IV. xv. 53-57;
  received with favour, IV. xv. 58;
  kills the Roman commanders in a sanctuary, IV. xv. 59;
  eager to fight a battle with Germanus, IV. xvi. 8;
  approaches Carthage, hoping for defection from there, IV. xvi. 9, 10;
  his hopes falsified, IV. xvii. 1;
  defeated by Germanus at Scalae Veteres, IV. xvii. 3 ff.;
  escapes with a few men, IV. xvii. 24;
  hopes to renew the battle with the help of the Moors, IV. xvii. 32;
  makes his escape with difficulty, IV. xvii. 33;
  suffers another defeat, IV. xvii. 34;
  withdraws to Mauritania and marries the daughter of a Moorish
  chief, IV. xvii. 35;
  the end of his mutiny, ibid.; IV. xix. 3;
  joins Antalas, IV. xxii. 5, xxiii. 1;
  receives Roman captives, IV. xxiii. 10, 17;
  joins the Moors in plundering Libya, IV. xxiii. 26-31;
  Areobindus sends an army against him, IV. xxiv. 6;
  his enmity against John, IV, xxiv. 9;
  mortally wounded by him in battle, IV. xxiv. 11;
  carried out of the battle, IV. xxiv. 12;
  his death, IV. xxiv. 14;
  succeeded by John as tyrant of the mutineers, IV. xxv. 3

Project Gutenberg
History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.