Aunt Phillis's Cabin eBook

Seth and Mary Eastman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Aunt Phillis's Cabin.

Aunt Phillis's Cabin eBook

Seth and Mary Eastman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Aunt Phillis's Cabin.

Yet do the Scriptures evidently permit slavery, even to the present time.  The curse on the serpent, ("And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field,”) uttered more than sixteen hundred years before the curse of Noah upon Ham and his race, has lost nothing of its force and true meaning.  “Cursed is the ground for thy sake:  in sorrow shalt thou eat of it, all the days of thy life,” said the Supreme Being.  Has this curse failed or been removed?

Remember the threatened curses of God upon the whole Jewish tribe if they forsook his worship.  Have not they been fulfilled?

However inexplicable may be the fact that God would appoint the curse of continual servitude on a portion of his creatures, will any one dare, with the Bible open in his hands, to say the fact does not exist?  It is not ours to decide why the Supreme Being acts!  We may observe his dealings with man, but we may not ask, until he reveals it, Why hast thou thus done?

“Cursed is every one who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ.”  Are not all these curses recorded, and will they not all be fulfilled?  God has permitted slavery to exist in every age and in almost every nation of the earth.  It was only commanded to the Jews, and it was with them restricted to the heathen, ("referring entirely to the race of Ham, who had been judicially condemned to a condition of servitude more than eighteen hundred years before the giving of the law, by the mouth of Noah, the medium of the Holy Ghost.”) No others, at least, were to be enslaved “forever.”  Every book of the Old Testament records a history in which slaves and God’s laws concerning them are spoken of, while, as far as profane history goes back, we cannot fail to see proofs of the existence of slavery.  “No legislator of history,” says Voltaire, “attempted to abrogate slavery.  Society was so accustomed to this degradation of the species, that Epictetus, who was assuredly worth more than his master, never expresses any surprise at his being a slave.”  Egypt, Sparta, Athens, Carthage, and Rome had their thousands of slaves.  In the Bible, the best and chosen servants of God owned slaves, while in profane history the purest and greatest men did the same.  In the very nation over whose devoted head hung the curse of God, slavery, vindictive, lawless, and cruel slavery, has prevailed.  It is said no nation of the earth has equalled the Jewish in the enslaving of negroes, except the negroes themselves; and examination will prove that the descendants of Ham and Canaan have, as God foresaw, justified by their conduct the doom which he pronounced against them.

But it has been contended that the people of God sinned in holding their fellow-creatures in bondage!  Open your Bible, Christian, and read the commands of God as regards slavery—­the laws that he made to govern the conduct of the master and the slave!

Project Gutenberg
Aunt Phillis's Cabin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.