Retrospection and Introspection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Retrospection and Introspection.

Retrospection and Introspection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Retrospection and Introspection.

Thoughts touched with the Spirit and Word of Christian Science gravitate naturally toward Truth.  Therefore the mind to which this Science was revealed must have risen to the altitude which perceived a light beyond what others saw.

The spiritually minded meet on the stairs which lead up to spiritual love.  This affection, so far from being personal worship, fulfils the law of Love which Paul enjoined upon the Galatians.  This is the Mind “which was also in Christ Jesus,” and knows no material limitations.  It is the unity of good and bond of perfectness.  This just affection serves to constitute the Mind-healer a wonder-worker,—­as of old, on the Pentecost Day, when the disciples were of one accord.

He who gains the God-crowned summit of Christian Science never abuses the corporeal personality, but uplifts it.  He thinks of every one in his real quality, and sees each mortal in an impersonal depict.

I have long remained silent on a growing evil in plagiarism; but if I do not insist upon the strictest observance of moral law and order in Christian Scientists, I become responsible, as a teacher, for laxity in discipline and lawlessness in literature.  Pope was right in saying, “An honest man’s the noblest work of God;” and Ingersoll’s repartee has its moral:  “An honest God’s the noblest work of man.”


The neophyte in Christian Science acts like a diseased physique,—­being too fast or too slow.  He is inclined to do either too much or too little.  In healing and teaching the student has not yet achieved the entire wisdom of Mind-practice.  The textual explanation of this practice is complete in Science and Health; and scientific practice makes perfect, for it is governed by its Principle, and not by human opinions; but carnal and sinister motives, entering into this practice, will prevent the demonstration of Christian Science.

I recommend students not to read so-called scientific works, antagonistic to Christian Science, which advocate materialistic systems; because such works and words becloud the right sense of metaphysical Science.

The rules of Mind-healing are wholly Christlike and spiritual.  Therefore the adoption of a worldly policy or a resort to subterfuge in the statement of the Science of Mind-healing, or any name given to it other than Christian Science, or an attempt to demonstrate the facts of this Science other than is stated in Science and Health—­is a departure from the Science of Mind-healing.  To becloud mortals, or for yourself to hide from God, is to conspire against the blessings otherwise conferred, against your own success and final happiness, against the progress of the human race as well as against honest metaphysical theory and practice.

Not by the hearing of the ear is spiritual truth learned and loved; nor cometh this apprehension from the experiences of others.  We glean spiritual harvests from our own material losses.  In this consuming heat false images are effaced from the canvas of mortal mind; and thus does the material pigment beneath fade into invisibility.

Project Gutenberg
Retrospection and Introspection from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.