Americans and Others eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Americans and Others.

Americans and Others eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 166 pages of information about Americans and Others.

Pray allow me to congratulate you on your new honours as a grandmother.  I trust that both your daughter and the baby are well.

Very sincerely yours,

I forgot to tell you that Miss Ramsay’s lectures are on

Dante, the Lover. 
Dante, the Poet. 
Dante, the Patriot. 
Dante, the Reformer.

There was a fifth on Dante, the Prophet, but I persuaded her to leave it out of the course.

I. B.

Mrs. Lapham Shepherd to Mrs. Wilfred Ward Hamilton


Mrs. James Balderston has asked me to do what I can for a Miss Alexandrina Ramsay (granddaughter of the historian), who wants to give four lectures on Dante in Philadelphia.  She has chopped him up into poet, prophet, lover, etc.  I cannot have any lectures or readings in my house this winter.  Jane is still far from strong, and we shall probably go South after Christmas.  Please don’t let me put any burden on your shoulders; but if Dr. Hamilton could persuade those nice Quakers at Swarthmore that there is nothing so educational as a course of Dante, it would be the best possible opening for Miss Ramsay.  Mrs. Balderston seems to think her voice would not carry in a large room, but as students never listen to anybody, this would make very little difference.  The Century Club has been suggested, but I fancy the classes there have been arranged for the season.  There are preparatory schools, aren’t there, at Swarthmore, which need to know about Dante?  Or would there be any chance at all at Miss Irington’s?

Miss Ramsay has been to see me, and I feel sorry for the girl.  Her uncle was the English Consul at Milan, and the poor thing loved Italy (who doesn’t!), and hated to leave it.  I wish she could establish herself as a lecturer, though there is nothing I detest more ardently than lectures.

I missed you sorely at the meeting of the Aubrey Home house-committee yesterday.  Harriet Maline and Mrs. Percy Brown had a battle royal over the laying of the new water-pipes, and over my prostrate body, which still aches from the contest.  I wish Harriet would resign.  She is the only creature I have ever known, except the Bate’s parrot and my present cook, who is perpetually out of temper.  If she were not my husband’s stepmother’s niece, I am sure I could stand up to her better.

Cordially yours,

Mrs. Wilfred Ward Hamilton to Miss Violet Wray


You know Margaret Irington better than I do.  Do you think she would like to have a course of Dante in her school this winter?  A very clever and charming woman, a Miss Alexandrina Ramsay, has four lectures on the poet which she is anxious to give before schools, or clubs, or—­if she can—­in private houses.  I have promised Mrs. Shepherd to do anything in my power to help her.  It occurred

Project Gutenberg
Americans and Others from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.