Under Sealed Orders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Under Sealed Orders.

Under Sealed Orders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 324 pages of information about Under Sealed Orders.

Jasper watched Lois until she disappeared from view behind a clump of birch trees.  Then leaving the highway he walked slowly along the trail leading to the falls.



High up on the bank of the brook which flows down from Break Neck Falls Jasper sat leaning against the bole of a large tree.  It was drawing toward evening and long slanting shadows were falling athwart the landscape.  It was a hot afternoon and the shade of the old spruce was refreshing.  By his side was a rough birch fishing rod, and nearby wrapped up in cool, moist leaves were several fair-sized trout.  Jasper had not been fishing for pleasure, but merely for food, as his scanty supply was almost gone.  The fish would serve him for supper and breakfast.  Beyond that he could not see, for he had not the least idea what he was to do to earn a living, and at the same time assist old David.

Though the day was exceptionally fine, Jasper did not enjoy it as at other times.  His mind was too much occupied with other matters.  All things seemed to be against him in his struggle to advance.  It had been the same for years, and now the climax had been reached.  What was he to do? he had asked himself over and over again during the afternoon.  Should he give up in despair?  What was the use of trying any longer?  He had seen young men succeeding in life who had not made any efforts.  Money and influence had pushed them along.  Dick Sinclair would soon join their ranks.  He had lived, a life of indolence, and yet it would be only a short time ere he would be looked upon as a prominent citizen.  The papers would speak of his ability and write glowing articles about whatever he did.  Where was the justice of it all? he questioned.  Did not real worth and effort amount to anything in life’s struggle?

At length, tired with such thoughts, he drew forth from an inside pocket a small book.  It was well marked and showed constant usage.  It was a volume of Emerson’s Essays, a number of which he knew almost by heart.  It was only natural that the book should open at the essay on Self-reliance, for there the pages were most thumb-marked.  His eyes rested upon the words:  “There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance.”  He read on to the beginning of the next paragraph, “Trust thyself:  every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

The book dropped from Jasper’s hand and once more he gave himself up to thought.  He knew how true were those words.  He realised that envy is ignorance, and it was his duty to rise above it.  Why should he spend his strength in envying others?  He would conquer and make them envy him.  Ah, that idea brought a flush to his face.  He would trust himself, as Emerson said, and some day the very ones who looked down upon him and spurned him would come to him.  How he was to accomplish this Jasper had no idea.  But there was comfort in thinking about it, anyway, and he felt sure that a way would be opened whereby he could succeed.

Project Gutenberg
Under Sealed Orders from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.