Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith.

Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 26 pages of information about Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith.

When you go to bed in the evening, you should bless yourself with the sign of the Holy Cross and say:  May the will of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be done!  Amen.  Then, kneeling or standing, say the creed and pray the Lord’s Prayer.  If you wish, then you may pray this little prayer as well:  My Heavenly Father, I thank You, through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, that You have protected me, by Your grace.  Forgive, I pray, all my sins and the evil I have done.  Protect me, by Your grace, tonight.  I put myself in your care, body and soul and all that I have.  Let Your holy angels be with me, so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me.  Amen.

After this, go to sleep immediately with joy.

Appendix II
How a Father Should Teach His Household
to say Grace and Return Thanks at Meals: 

The Blessing

The children and servants should come to the table modestly and with folded hands and say:  All eyes look to you, O Lord, and You give everyone food at the right time.  You open Your generous hands and satisfy the hunger of all living things with what they desire. (Psalm 145:15-16) Note:  “What they desire” means that all animals get so much to eat, that they are happy and cheerful.  Because, worry and greed interferes with such desires.  After this, pray the Lord’s Prayer and the following prayer:  Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these gifts, which we receive from Your generous hand, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Thanking God

After eating, too, they should modestly fold their hands and say: 

Thank the Lord, because He is kind and His goodness lasts forever!  He gives all creatures food.  He gives livestock their food and feeds the young ravens that call out to Him.  A horse’s strength does not give Him pleasure.  A man’s legs do not give Him joy.  People who fear the Lord and who wait for His goodness please Him.

After this, pray the Lord’s Prayer and the following prayer:  We thank You, Lord God, Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, for all Your blessings.  You live and rule forever!  Amen!

Appendix III
The Home Chart
A number of passages to use to teach and admonish people in all holy
orders and statuses in life about their

For Bishops, Pastors and Preachers: 
1 Tim. 3:2-4
Titus 1:  6

What Hearers owe their Pastors: 
1 Cor. 9:14
Gal. 6:  6
1 Tim. 5:17-18
Heb. 13:17

For Earthly Authorities
Rom. 13:1-4

For those Under Authority
Matt. 22:21
Rom. 13:5-7
1 Tim. 2:1-3
Titus 3:1
1 Peter 2:13-14

For Husbands
1 Peter 3:7
Col. 3:19

For Wives
Eph. 5:22
1 Peter 3:5-6

For Parents
Eph. 6:4

For Children
Eph. 6:1-3

For Servants, Maids, Hired Hands and Workers
Eph. 6:  5-7
Col. 3:22

For the Man and Woman of the House
Eph. 6:9
Col. 4:1

Project Gutenberg
Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.