Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Chronicles (1 of 6).

Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Chronicles (1 of 6).

[Sidenote:  A fabulous and trifling deuise.] ¶ We find recorded by writers, that this Egwin had warning giuen him by visions (as he constantlie affirmed before pope Constantine) to set vp an image of our ladie in his church.  Wherevpon the pope approuing the testifications of this bishop by his buls, writ to Brightwald archbishop of Canturburie, to assemble a synod, and by authoritie thereof to establish the vse of images, charging the kings of this land to be present at the same synod, vpon paine of [Sidenote:  Bale. 712.] excommunication.  This synod was holden about the yeere of our Lord 712, in the daies of Inas king of Westsaxons, and of Ceolred king of Mercia successor to the foresaid Kenred.

After Kenred succeeded Ceolred, the sonne of his vncle Edilred, & died [Sidenote:  H.  Hunt.] in the 8 yeere of his reigne, and was buried at Lichfield.  Then succeeded Ethelbaldus that was descended of Eopa the brother of king Penda, as the fourth from him by lineall succession.  This man gouerned a long time without anie notable trouble:  some warres he had, and sped [Sidenote:  Ran.  Cestren.] diuerslie.  In the 18 yeere of his reigne, he besieged Sommerton and wan it.  He also inuaded Northumberland, and got there great riches by spoile and pillage, which he brought from thence without anie battell offered to him.

[Sidenote:  Hen.  Hunt.] He ouercame the Welshmen in battell, being then at quiet, and [Sidenote:  Bereford. 755.] ioined as confederats with Cuthred K. of Westsaxons.  But in the 37 yeere of his reigne, he was ouercome in battell at Bereford by the same Cuthred, with whome he was fallen at variance, and within foure yeeres after, that is to say, in the 41 yeere of his reigne he was [Sidenote:  Three miles from Tamworth. Wil.  Malm. 758.] slaine in battell at Secandon, or Sekenton, by his owne subiects, which arreared warres against him, by the procurement and leading of one Bernred, who after he had slaine his naturall prince, tooke vpon him the kingdome:  but he prospered not long, being slaine by Offa that succeeded him in rule of the kingdome of Mercia, as after shall be shewed.  The bodie of Ethelbald was buried at Ripton. [Sidenote:  Matth.  West.]

[Sidenote:  The historie of Magd.] Bonifacius the archbishop of Mentiz or Moguntz, hauing assembled a councell with other bishops and doctors, deuised a letter, and sent it vnto this Ethelbald, commending him for his good deuotion and charitie in almes-giuing to the reliefe of the poore, and also for his vpright dealing in administration of iustice, to the punishment of robbers and such like misdooers:  but in that he absteined from mariage, and wallowed in filthie lecherie with diuerse women, and namelie with nuns, they sore blamed him, and withall declared in what infamie the whole English nation in those daies remained by common report in other countries for their licentious liuing in sinfull fornication, and namelie the most

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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.