A Short History of English Agriculture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Short History of English Agriculture.

A Short History of English Agriculture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Short History of English Agriculture.

Labourer, character of, in eighteenth century, 175, 184, 201, 204,
    205, 210;
  condition of, at end of eighteenth century, 237-9;
  condition of, in nineteenth century, 257, 266-8, 269, 270, 279,
    283-4, 285, 290-2, 297, 311-2, 313-4, 315, 320, 355;
  decrease of, 305, 311n., 315;
  life of, in Middle Ages,53, 54, 67, 71, 103;
  made a land-less man by enclosure, 196, 257;
  number of (1688), 156;
  savings of, 102-3, 156;
  sports of, 55;
  the home of the, 52, 158;
  wages of, see Wages.

Lambs, to fall March 25, 126.

Lammas, 4, 112, 137.

Lancashire, 44, 78, 106, 110, 147, 163, 167, 207, 216, 219, 282,
  283, 284, 309, 312, 316, 320, 343, 346.

Land, value of, 19, 36, 40, 66, 117, 133, 149, 183, 243, 286-7,
  293, 304, 310, 328, 348.

  absentee, 184, 191;
  of the fourteenth century, 48;
  new class of, 59;
  houses of the 103 (see Cottages);
  improve estates, 132, 162, 224, 232, 255, 268, 320;
  protectionists, 160-1;
  ignorant of estate management, 175, 193, 249, 281;
  in nineteenth century, 265, 281, 304, 307, 309, 320-2;
  position, weakened, 309;
  relations of, and tenant, 218, 226, 282-3, 299, 301, 322;
  suffered most from present depression, 320;
  reserve sporting rights, 115;
  take to farming, 182.

Landlordship, 6.

Lawes, Sir John, 275, 276, 314, 319.

Lawrence, John, 152, 165, 166, 167, 173, 337.

Laxton, Notts, 22.

Leases,45, 56, 57, 65, 81, 97, 113, 115-6, 121-2, 178, 218, 219,
  263n., 272, 282, 283.

Leicester sheep, 215-6, 235, 274, 275, 343, 344.

Leicestershire, 8, 78, 79, 120, 151, 172, 174, 214-6, 268, 306n.,
  309, 343.

‘Lemmons’, 93.

  manor of, 18;
  wool, 40, 171, 172n.

Liberi homines, 7.

Liebig, 275, 276.

Lime, 112, 141, 177, 187, 197.

Limestone sheep, 344, 346.

Liming the land, 77, 113, 218, 219, 246, 300.

  red cattle, 343;
  sheep, 215, 235, 275, 288, 343, 344, 346.

Lincolnshire, 3, 8, 40, 99, 100, 103, 123, 151, 168, 172, 250, 252, 255,
  283, 306n., 307, 318, 321.

Liquorice, 143, 191.

  apples at, 188;
  wheat at, 185.

Liverpool, Lord, 232, 264.

Live stock,
  depreciation of, 306, 330;
  exports of, 325-6, 330;
  number of (1877 and 1907), 333-4;
  in England (1688), 155, 164;
  duty on, repealed, 280.

Locusts in England, 185.

  affects wages, 205;
  attracts country folk, 209, 210;
  potato grown near, 106;
  carrots grown near, 167, 168;
  roads near, 222;
  sheep and cattle driven to, 221.

Longhorn cattle, 167, 216-7, 233, 234, 274, 275n., 336, 343.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of English Agriculture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.