The Yoke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 582 pages of information about The Yoke.

The Yoke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 582 pages of information about The Yoke.

Besa,—­Bee’-sah, a dwarf-like deity similar to the Roman Cupid.

Bettis,—­Bet’-tis, older sister to Hotep and Io.

Bubastis,—­Biu-bast’-is, city in lower Egypt near Goshen.

Deborah,—­Deb’-or-ah, an aged woman of Israel, Rachel’s attendant.

Hak-heb,—­Hayk’-heb, a village on the Nile, shipping point for
Nehapehu, fifty miles south of Memphis.

Har-hat,—­Hahr’-hat, fan-bearer, or prime minister to the Pharaoh; father of Masanath.

Hathors,—­Hah’-thorz, seven personifications of Athor, usually seven cows, similar to the fates of Roman and Greek mythology.

Hotep,—­Hoe’-tep, the royal scribe, friend of Kenkenes, brother of
Bettis and Io.

Hyksos,—­Hick’-soz, the Shepherd Kings.

Imhotep,—­Eem-hoe’-tep, the physician god.

Ipsambul,—­Ip-sahm’-bool, a temple cut from living rock.

Io,—­Eye’-o, younger sister to Hotep and Bettis, in love with Seti.

Isis,—­Eye’-sis, consort to Osiris and goddess of wisdom.

Jambres,—­Jam’-breez, a priest in disgrace, sometime astrologer to
Rameses II and to Meneptah.

Kenkenes,—­Ken-ken’-eez, son of Mentu, the murket.

Khem,—­Kem, the Egyptian Pan.

Khu-n-Aten,—­Khoon-Ah’-ten, Amenhotep IV, a Pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty, who attempted to reform the national faith.

Loi,—­Lo’-ee, high-priest to Amen at Karnak.

Ma,—­Mah, the goddess of truth.

Masaarah,—­Mah-saar’-ah, a limestone quarry opposite Memphis.

Masanath,—­Ma-sayn’-ath, second daughter to Har-hat, beloved of Hotep.

Meneptah,—­Me-nep’-tah, successor to Rameses II, and Pharaoh of the

Menes,—­Meen’-eez, captain of the royal guard.

Mentu,—­Men’-too, the murket or royal architect, father of Kenkenes.

Merenra,—­Mer-en’-rah, commander over the works at Pa-Ramesu.

Mesu,—­May’-soo, Moses, the Law-giver.

Mizraim,—­Miz’-ray-im, the Hebrew name for Egypt.

Mut,—­Moot, the mother goddess.

Nari,—­Nahr’-ee, the handmaiden of Masanath.

Nechutes,—­Nee-koo’-teez, the royal cup-bearer.

Nehapehu,—­Nee-hay’-pe-hiu, a fertile pocket in the Libyan desert, fifty miles south of Memphis.

Neferari Thermuthis,—­Nef-er-ahr’-ee Ther-moo’-this, first consort to
Rameses II and foster mother of Moses.

Nomarch,—­Nome’-ark, governor of a civil division called a nome.

On, Heliopolis,—­near the site of the modern Cairo.

Osiris,—­Oh-sy’-ris, the great god of Egypt, the principle of good, the creator.

Pa-Ramesu,—­Pay-Ram’-e-soo, a treasure city begun by Rameses II.

Paraschites,—­Par-a-shy’-teez, embalmers, an unclean class.

Pentaur,—­Pen’-tor, an Egyptian priest and poet of the time of Rameses

Pepi,—­Pay’-pee, servant of Masanath.

Project Gutenberg
The Yoke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.