On The Art of Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about On The Art of Reading.

On The Art of Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about On The Art of Reading.
“Memories, Irish,” Somerville’s and Ross’s, 135
“Merchant of Venice, The,” 71
Meredith, George, 5, 110
“Microcosmography,” John Earle’s, 44
Mill, John Stuart, 93, 155
Milton, John, 27, 62, 65, 93, 94, 111, 127, 131, 145, 162,
  164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 188
Moliere, 79
Money-Coutts, F. B. (Lord Latymer), 154, 162, 167, 183
Montagu, Basil, 211
Moore, Sturge, 124
More, Hannah, 192
More, Sir Thomas, 114
Morris, Richard, 99
“Morte d’Arthur, Le,” 155
Motley, 82, 211
Moulton, Dr R. G., 154, 158, 162, 177
“Much Ado About Nothing,” 71
Myers, F. W. H., 165, 166

Newman, John Henry, 113, 114, 131, 155, 206
Newton, Sir Isaac, 27, 114
Nicholas V, Pope (Tommaso Parentucelli), 209
North, Sir Thomas, 123
“Notes and Queries,” 101
“Nun Priest’s Tale, The,” 71

“Ode to a Grecian Urn,” Keats’s, 85,86
“Ode to a Nightingale,” Keats’s, 85, 86
“Ode to Evening,” Collins’s, 124
“Ode to Psyche,” Keats’s, 85
“Odyssey, The,” 42, 147, 148
“Of Studies,” Bacon’s, 21, 22, 23
Omar, 20
“Omar Khayyam,” FitzGerald’s, 155
“On Liberty,” John Stuart Mill’s, 155
“On the Art of Writing,” 1
“Ossian,” 155
“Othello,” 52, 71, 89
Oxford, University of, 9, 73, 75, 76, 77, 121

Page, 211
Paine, Thomas, 192
Paley, Frederick, 98, 123
Palgrave, Francis Turner, 15 5
“Pall Mall Gazette, The,” 197, 198
“Paradise Lost,” 56, 58, 59, 62, 127, 144, 154, 161, 164, 166,
  167, 168, 169, 170, 182, 188, 202
“Paradise Regained,” 166, 170
“Paradiso, The,” 201
“Pardoner’s Tale, The,” 71
Parentucelli Tommaso (Pope Nicholas V), 209
Paris, University of, 74, 75
“Parlement of Fowls, The,” 27, 71
Pater, Walter, 99, 149
Patmore, Coventry, 33
Pattison, Mark, 70
Paul, St, 32, 60, 81, 82, 147, 161, 165
Peele, 80
Pericles, 124
Perrault, 43, 110
“Pervigilium Veneris, The,” 124
“Phaedo, The,” 147, 148, 201, 206
“Phaedrus, The,” 118, 186
“Piers Ploughman,” 155, 156
“Pilgrim’s Progress, The,” 68
Pindar, 57, 79, 98
Plato, 8, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 111, 118, 147, 150, 185
Plutarch, 123
“Poems and Ballads,” Swinburne’s, 155
“Poet’s Charter, The,” Lord Latymer’s (Money-Coutts), 162
“Poetics,” Aristotle’s, 52, 58, 59, 129
“Polonius,” FitzGerald’s, 122
Pope, Alexander, 105, 131, 144, 164, 192, 196
“Prince Charming,” Perrault’s, 111
“Principia,” Newton’s, 114
Prior, Matthew, 102
“Prometheus Bound,” Aeschylus’s, 175, 179, 180, 183
“Prometheus Unbound,” Shelley’s, 59, 155, 164, 167, 168, 169
“Psalm of Life, The,” 56
“Psalm cvii,” 158, 159, 160
“Psalm cxiv,” Milton’s Paraphrase of, 169,
“Psalm cxxxvi,” Milton’s Paraphrase of, 169, 170
“Psalms, The,” 139, 144 142, 161
Pythagoras, 27
“Pythian Odes,” Pindar’s, 98

Quarles, Francis, 155

Project Gutenberg
On The Art of Reading from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.