Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2.

Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2.

The next day Crombie called at the bank; but Littimer was not there.  He was not very well, it was said; had not come down-town.  Crombie did what he could toward organizing his fight for a directorship, and then returned to The Lorne, where he punctually inquired after Mr. Littimer’s health, and learned that the banker’s ardor in making the rounds among distressed people the night before had been followed by reaction into a bad cold, with some threat of pneumonia.  Blanche was plainly anxious.  The attack lasted three or four days, and Crombie, though the affair of the directorship was pressing for attention, could not forbear to remain as near as possible to Blanche, offering every aid within his power, so far as he might without overstepping the lines of his very recent acquaintance.  But the Littimers did not, according to his observation, number any very intimate companions in their circle, or at least had not many friends who would be assiduous in such an emergency.  Perhaps their friends were too busy with social engagements.  Consequently, he saw a good deal of Blanche, and became to her an object of reliance.

Well, it was simply one of those things that happen only in fairy tales or in romances—­or in real life.  Littimer recovered without any serious illness, and, after a brief conference with Crombie, entered heartily into the young man’s campaign.  Crombie showed him just what combinations could be formed, how success could be achieved, and what lucrative results might be made to ensue.  He conquered by figures and by lucid common-sense.  Littimer agreed to buy a number of shares in the Engraving Company, which he happened to know could be purchased, and to advance Crombie a good sum with which to procure a portion of the same lot.  But before this agreement could be consummated, Crombie, with his usual frankness, said to the banker: 

“I will conceal nothing from you, Mr. Littimer.  I fell in love with Blanche before I knew her, and if this venture of mine succeeds, I shall ask her to become my wife.”

“Let us attend to business,” said Littimer, severely.  “Sentiment can take care of itself.”

Their manoeuvre went on so vigorously that Blatchford became alarmed, and sent an ambassador to arrange a compromise; but by this time Crombie had determined to oust Blatchford himself and elect an entirely new set of men, to compose more than half the Board, and so control everything.

He succeeded.

But Littimer did not forget the charitable enthusiasm which had been awakened by a circumstance on the surface so trivial as the mistake of a boot-boy.  He did not desist from his interest in aiding disabled or unfortunate people who could really be aided.  Some time after Crombie had achieved his triumph in the Engraving Company, and had repaid Littimer’s loan, he was admitted to a share in the banking business; and eventually the head of the house was able to give a great deal of attention to perfecting his benevolent plans.

Project Gutenberg
Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.