The Next of Kin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about The Next of Kin.

The Next of Kin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about The Next of Kin.

The cooerdination of our people has begun, the forces of unity are working; but they are still hindered by the petty little jealousies and disputes of small people who do not yet understand the seriousness of the occasion.  So long as church bodies spend time fighting about methods of baptism, and call conventions to pass resolutions against church union, which would unquestionably add to the effectiveness of the Church and enable it to make greater headway against the powers of evil; so long as the channels through which God’s love should flow to the people are so choked with denominational prejudice, it is not much wonder that many people are experiencing a long, dry spell, bitterly complaining that the fountain has gone dry.  Love, such as Christ demonstrated, is the only hope of this sin-mad world.  When the Church shows forth that love and leads the people to see that the reservoirs of love in the mountains of God are full to overflowing, and every man can pipe the supply into his own heart and live victoriously, abundantly, gloriously, as God intended us all to live, then it will come about that the sword will be beaten into the ploughshare and the spear into the pruning-hook, and the Lord will truly hear our prayer and heal our land.



To-day I read in one of our newspapers an account of a religious convention which is going on in our city.  It said that one of the lady delegates asked if, in view of the great scarcity of men to take the various fields, and the increased number of vacancies, the theological course in their colleges would be opened to women?  And the report said, “A ripple of amusement swept over the convention.”

I know that ripple.  I know it well!  The Church has always been amused when the advancement of women has been mentioned right out boldly like that.  There are two things which have never failed to bring a laugh—­a great, round, bold oath on the stage, and any mention of woman suffrage in the pulpit.  They have been sure laugh-producers.  When we pray for the elevation of the stage in this respect, we should not forget the Church!

I have been trying to analyze that ripple of amusement.  Here is the situation:  The men have gone out to fight.  The college halls are empty of boys, except very young ones.  One of the speakers at the same session said, “We do not expect to get in boys of more than eighteen years of age.”  Churches are closed for lack of preachers.  What is to be done about it?  No longer can Brother M. be sent to England to bring over pink-cheeked boys to fill the ranks of Canada’s preachers.  The pink-cheeked ones are also “over there.”  There is no one to call upon but women.  So why was the suggestion of the lady delegate received with amusement?  Why was it not acted upon?  For although there were many kind and flattering things said about women, their great services to Church and State, yet the theological course was not opened.

Project Gutenberg
The Next of Kin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.