The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about The God of His Fathers.

The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about The God of His Fathers.

“May God damn your souls to the deepest hells, you chicken-hearted cowards!  I’m done with you!” He said it calmly enough, but his strength spoke in every syllable, and every intonation was advertisement of intention.  “Come on,” he continued, “whack up, and in whatever way suits you best.  I own a quarter-interest in the claims; our contracts show that.  There’re twenty-five or thirty ounces in the sack from the test pans.  Fetch out the scales.  We’ll divide that now.  And you, Sigmund, measure me my quarter-share of the grub and set it apart.  Four of the dogs are mine, and I want four more.  I’ll trade you my share in the camp outfit and mining-gear for the dogs.  And I’ll throw in my six or seven ounces and the spare 45-90 with the ammunition.  What d’ye say?”

The three men drew apart and conferred.  When they returned, Sigmund acted as spokesman.  “We’ll whack up fair with you, Hitchcock.  In everything you’ll get your quarter-share, neither more nor less; and you can take it or leave it.  But we want the dogs as bad as you do, so you get four, and that’s all.  If you don’t want to take your share of the outfit and gear, why, that’s your lookout.  If you want it, you can have it; if you don’t, leave it.”

“The letter of the law,” Hitchcock sneered.  “But go ahead.  I’m willing.  And hurry up.  I can’t get out of this camp and away from its vermin any too quick.”

The division was effected without further comment.  He lashed his meagre belongings upon one of the sleds, rounded in his four dogs, and harnessed up.  His portion of outfit and gear he did not touch, though he threw onto the sled half a dozen dog harnesses, and challenged them with his eyes to interfere.  But they shrugged their shoulders and watched him disappear in the forest.

* * * * *

A man crawled upon his belly through the snow.  On every hand loomed the moose-hide lodges of the camp.  Here and there a miserable dog howled or snarled abuse upon his neighbor.  Once, one of them approached the creeping man, but the man became motionless.  The dog came closer and sniffed, and came yet closer, till its nose touched the strange object which had not been there when darkness fell.  Then Hitchcock, for it was Hitchcock, upreared suddenly, shooting an unmittened hand out to the brute’s shaggy throat.  And the dog knew its death in that clutch, and when the man moved on, was left broken-necked under the stars.  In this manner Hitchcock made the chief’s lodge.  For long he lay in the snow without, listening to the voices of the occupants and striving to locate Sipsu.  Evidently there were many in the tent, and from the sounds they were in high excitement.  At last he heard the girl’s voice, and crawled around so that only the moose-hide divided them.  Then burrowing in the snow, he slowly wormed his head and shoulders underneath.  When the warm inner air smote his face, he stopped and waited, his legs and the greater part of his body still on the outside.  He could see nothing, nor did he dare lift his head.  On one side of him was a skin bale.  He could smell it, though he carefully felt to be certain.  On the other side his face barely touched a furry garment which he knew clothed a body.  This must be Sipsu.  Though he wished she would speak again, he resolved to risk it.

Project Gutenberg
The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.