Myths That Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about Myths That Every Child Should Know.

Myths That Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about Myths That Every Child Should Know.

“I never heard the dogs so loud!” observed the good old man.

“Nor the children so rude!” answered his good old wife.

They sat shaking their heads, one to another, while the noise came nearer and nearer; until, at the foot of the little eminence on which their cottage stood, they saw two travellers approaching on foot.  Close behind them came the fierce dogs, snarling at their very heels.  A little farther off, ran a crowd of children, who sent up shrill cries, and flung stones at the two strangers, with all their might.  Once or twice, the younger of the two men (he was a slender and very active figure) turned about and drove back the dogs with a staff which he carried in his hand.  His companion, who was a very tall person, walked calmly along, as if disdaining to notice either the naughty children, or the pack of curs, whose manners the children seemed to imitate.

Both of the travellers were very humbly clad, and looked as if they might not have money enough in their pockets to pay for a night’s lodging.  And this, I am afraid, was the reason why the villagers had allowed their children and dogs to treat them so rudely.

“Come, wife,” said Philemon to Baucis, “let us go and meet these poor people.  No doubt, they feel almost too heavy hearted to climb the hill.”

“Go you and meet them,” answered Baucis, “while I make haste within doors, and see whether we can get them anything for supper.  A comfortable bowl of bread and milk would do wonders toward raising their spirits.”

Accordingly, she hastened into the cottage.  Philemon, on his part, went forward, and extended his hand with so hospitable an aspect that there was no need of saying what nevertheless he did say, in the heartiest tone imaginable: 

“Welcome, strangers! welcome!”

“Thank you!” replied the younger of the two, in a lively kind of way, notwithstanding his weariness and trouble.  “This is quite another greeting than we have met with yonder in the village.  Pray, why do you live in such a bad neighbourhood?”

“Ah!” observed old Philemon, with a quiet and benign smite, “Providence put me here, I hope, among other reasons, in order that I may make you what amends I can for the inhospitality of my neighbours.”

“Well said, old father!” cried the traveller, laughing; “and, if the truth must be told, my companion and myself need some amends.  Those children (the little rascals!) have bespattered us finely with their mud balls; and one of the curs has torn my cloak, which was ragged enough already.  But I took him across the muzzle with my staff; and I think you may have heard him yelp, even thus far off.”

Project Gutenberg
Myths That Every Child Should Know from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.