Forty-one years in India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,042 pages of information about Forty-one years in India.

Forty-one years in India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,042 pages of information about Forty-one years in India.
  fortifies Sherpur;
  negotiations at Kabul;
  holds a durbar;
  hands over supreme command to Sir Donald Stewart;
  visits Jalalabad;
  hears news of Maiwand;
  telegram to Adjutant-General;
  appointed Commander of Kabul-Kandahar Field Force;
  preparations for the march;
  details of the Force;
  commissariat and transport;
  starts for Kandahar;
  order of marching;
  reaches Ghazni;
  reaches Kelat-i-Ghilzai;
  telegraphs progress to Government;
  food required daily for the force;
  down with fever;
  reports progress;
  letter from General Phayre;
  telegraphs to Simla;
  reaches Kandahar;
  demoralized condition of the garrison;
  encamps to the west of the city;
  reconnoitres the enemy’s position;
  assumes command of the Army of Southern Afghanistan;
  defeats Ayub Khan;
  and captures his camp;
  telegraphs the news;
  difficulties about supplies;
  congratulated by the Queen and the Duke of Cambridge;
  made G.C.B.;
  appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Madras Army;
  proceeds to Quetta;
  parting with the troops;
  pleasant memories;
  receives autograph letter from the Queen;
  reception in England;
  appointed Governor of Natal and Commander of the Forces
      in South Africa;
  witnesses the manoeuvres of the German Army;
  offered the Quartermaster-Generalship;
  proceeds to Madras;
  visits the Andaman Islands;
  proceeds to Burma;
  declines the Quartermaster-Generalship;
  measures for improving the Madras Army;
  memories of Madras;
  visits Calcutta;
  meeting with Abdur Rahman at Rawal Pindi;
  returns to Madras;
  appointed Commander-in-Chief in India;
  brief visit to England;
  accompanies Lord Dufferin to Gwalior;
  proceeds to Delhi;
  Camp of Exercise at Delhi;
  accompanies Lord Dufferin to Burma;
  proceeds to the North-West Frontier;
  makes a tour of inspection;
  draws up a memorandum on frontier defence;
  Lady Roberts’s Homes;
  sends reinforcements to Burma;
  lands at Rangoon;
  measures for pacification of Upper Burma;
  inspects North-West Frontier with General Chesney;
  receives Grand Cross of the Indian Empire;
  establishes ‘Regimental Institutes’;
  establishes the Army Temperance Association;
  makes a tour with Lord Dufferin along the North-West Frontier;
  official inspections;
  presides over Defence and Mobilization Committees;
  supports Lord Dufferin’s scheme for the utilization of
      Native States’ armies;
  visits the frontier;
  spends Christmas in camp;
  visits Calcutta;
  makes a tour of inspection in Central India and Rajputana;
  and in Kashmir;
  remodels the system of musketry instruction for the Native Army;
  improvements in Artillery and Cavalry;
  visits the frontier with Lord Lansdowne;
Project Gutenberg
Forty-one years in India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.