The Witness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about The Witness.

The Witness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about The Witness.

“Well, I’ve brought you a few things!” declared Gila, in a most offensive tone.  “Paul Courtland asked me to come and see what I could do for you.”  She swung her moleskin trappings about and pointed to the box.  “I don’t believe in giving money, not often,” she declared, with a tilt of her nasty little chin that suddenly seemed to curve out in a hateful, Satanic point, “but I don’t mind giving a little lift in other ways to persons who are truly worthy, you know.  I’ve brought you a few evening dresses that I’m done with.  It may help you to get a position playing for the movies, perhaps; or if you don’t know rag-time, perhaps you might act—­they’ll take almost anybody, I understand, if they have good clothes.  Besides, I’m going to give you an introduction to a girls’ employment club.  They have a hall and hold dances once a week and you get acquainted.  It only costs you ten cents a week and it will give you a place to spend your evenings.  If you join that you’ll need evening dresses for the dances.  Of course I understand some of the girls just go in their street suits, but you stand a great deal better chance of having a good time if you are dressed attractively.  And then they say men often go in there evenings to look for a stenographer, or an actor, or some kind of a worker, and they always pick out the prettiest.  Dress goes a great way if you use it rightly.  Now there’s a frock in here—­” Gila stooped and untied the cord on the box.  “This frock cost a hundred and fifty dollars, and I never wore it but once!”

She held up a tattered blue net adorned with straggling, crushed, artificial rosebuds, its sole pretension to a waist being a couple of straps of silver tissue attached to a couple of rags of blue net.  It looked for all the world like a draggled butterfly.

“It’s torn in one or two places,” pursued Gila’s ready tongue, “but it’s easily mended.  I wore it to a dance and somebody stepped on the hem.  I suppose you are good at mending.  A girl in your position ought to know how to sew.  My maid usually mends things like this with a thread of itself.  You can pull one out along the hem, I should think.  Then here is a pink satin.  It needs cleaning.  They don’t charge more than two or three dollars—­or perhaps you might use gasolene.  I had slippers to match, but I couldn’t find but one.  I brought that along.  I thought you might do something with it.  They were horribly expensive—­made to order, you know.  Then this cerise chiffon, all covered with sequins, is really too showy for a girl in your station, but in case you get a chance to act you might need it, and anyhow I never cared for it.  It isn’t becoming to me.  Here’s an indigo charmeuse with silver trimmings.  I got horribly tired of it, but you will look stunning in it.  It might even help you catch a rich husband; who knows!  There’s half a dozen pairs of white evening gloves!  I might have had them cleaned, but if you can use them I can get new ones.  And there’s a bundle of old silk stockings!  They haven’t any toes or heels much, but I suppose you can darn them.  And of course you can’t afford to buy expensive silk stockings!”

Project Gutenberg
The Witness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.