McTeague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about McTeague.

McTeague eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about McTeague.

One day, a fortnight after McTeague’s flight from San Francisco, Marcus rode into Modoc, to find a group of men gathered about a notice affixed to the outside of the Wells-Fargo office.  It was an offer of reward for the arrest and apprehension of a murderer.  The crime had been committed in San Francisco, but the man wanted had been traced as far as the western portion of Inyo County, and was believed at that time to be in hiding in either the Pinto or Panamint hills, in the vicinity of Keeler.

Marcus reached Keeler on the afternoon of that same day.  Half a mile from the town his pony fell and died from exhaustion.  Marcus did not stop even to remove the saddle.  He arrived in the barroom of the hotel in Keeler just after the posse had been made up.  The sheriff, who had come down from Independence that morning, at first refused his offer of assistance.  He had enough men already—­too many, in fact.  The country travelled through would be hard, and it would be difficult to find water for so many men and horses.

“But none of you fellers have ever seen um,” vociferated Marcus, quivering with excitement and wrath.  “I know um well.  I could pick um out in a million.  I can identify um, and you fellers can’t.  And I knew—­I knew—­good god!  I knew that girl—­his wife—­in Frisco.  She’s a cousin of mine, she is—­she was—­I thought once of—­This thing’s a personal matter of mine—­an’ that money he got away with, that five thousand, belongs to me by rights.  Oh, never mind, I’m going along.  Do you hear?” he shouted, his fists raised, “I’m going along, I tell you.  There ain’t a man of you big enough to stop me.  Let’s see you try and stop me going.  Let’s see you once, any two of you.”  He filled the barroom with his clamor.

“Lord love you, come along, then,” said the sheriff.

The posse rode out of Keeler that same night.  The keeper of the general merchandise store, from whom Marcus had borrowed a second pony, had informed them that Cribbens and his partner, whose description tallied exactly with that given in the notice of reward, had outfitted at his place with a view to prospecting in the Panamint hills.  The posse trailed them at once to their first camp at the head of the valley.  It was an easy matter.  It was only necessary to inquire of the cowboys and range riders of the valley if they had seen and noted the passage of two men, one of whom carried a bird cage.

Beyond this first camp the trail was lost, and a week was wasted in a bootless search around the mine at Gold Gulch, whither it seemed probable the partners had gone.  Then a travelling peddler, who included Gold Gulch in his route, brought in the news of a wonderful strike of gold-bearing quartz some ten miles to the south on the western slope of the range.  Two men from Keeler had made a strike, the peddler had said, and added the curious detail that one of the men had a canary bird in a cage with him.

The posse made Cribbens’s camp three days after the unaccountable disappearance of his partner.  Their man was gone, but the narrow hoof prints of a mule, mixed with those of huge hob-nailed boots, could be plainly followed in the sand.  Here they picked up the trail and held to it steadily till the point was reached where, instead of tending southward it swerved abruptly to the east.  The men could hardly believe their eyes.

Project Gutenberg
McTeague from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.