The Moon out of Reach eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Moon out of Reach.

The Moon out of Reach eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Moon out of Reach.

Hesitatingly Nan touched a chord or two.  Then without further preamble she broke into the strange, suggestive music which Penelope had described as representing the murder of a soul.  It opened joyously, the calm beginnings of a happy spirit; then came a note of warning, the first low muttering of impending woe.  Gradually the simple melody began to lose itself in a chaos of calamity, bent and swayed by wailing minor cadences through whose torrent of hurrying sound it could be heard vainly and fitfully trying to assert itself again, only to be at last weighed down, crushed out, by a cataclysm of despairing chords.  Then, after a long, pregnant pause—­the culminating silence of defeat—­the original melody stole out once more, repeated in a minor key, hollow and denuded.

As the music ceased the lights sprang up again and Nan, looking across the room, met Mallory’s gaze intently bent upon her.  In his expression she could discern that by a queer gift of intuition he had comprehended the whole inner meaning of what she had been playing.  Most people would have thought that it was a magnificent bit of composition, particularly for so young a musician, but Mallory went deeper and knew it to be a wonderful piece of self-revelation—­the fruit of a spirit sorely buffeted.

Almost instantaneously Nan realised that he had understood, and she was conscious of a fierce resentment.  She felt as though an unwarrantable intrusion had been made upon her privacy, and her annoyance showed itself in the quick compression of her mouth.  She was about to slip away under cover of the applause when Mallory laid a detaining hand upon her arm.

“Don’t go,” he said.  “And forgive me for understanding!”

Nan, sorely against her will, looked, up and met his eyes—­eyes that were irresistibly kind and friendly.  She hesitated, still anxious to escape.

“Please,” he begged.  “Don’t leave me”—­his lips endeavouring not to smile—­“in high dudgeon.  It’s always seemed such an awful thing to be left in—­like boiling oil.”

Suddenly she yielded to the man’s whimsical charm and sank down again into her chair.

“That’s better.”  He smiled and seated himself beside her.  “I couldn’t help it, you know,” he said quaintly.  “It was you yourself who told me.”

“Told you what?”

“That the world hadn’t been quite kind.”

Nan felt a sudden reckless instinct to tempt fate.  There was already a breach in her privacy; for this one evening she did not care if the wall were wholly battered down.

“Tell me,” she queried with averted head, “how—­how much did you understand?”

Mallory scrutinised her reflectively.

“You really wish it?”

“Yes, really.”

He was silent a moment.  Then he spoke slowly, as though choosing his words.

“Fate has given you one of her back-handers, I think, and you want the thing you can’t have—­want it rather badly.  And just now—­nothing seems quite worth while.”

Project Gutenberg
The Moon out of Reach from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.