The Transvaal from Within eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 649 pages of information about The Transvaal from Within.

The Transvaal from Within eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 649 pages of information about The Transvaal from Within.

’This is Commandant Malan.  He wishes you distinctly to understand that no terms can be made here.  We have no right to make terms here.  Terms will be made by the Government of the South African Republic.  He can only secure your lives to Pretoria, until you are handed over to Commandant-General at Pretoria.’

That Dr. Jameson agreed to these terms and accepted them.

That thereupon by order of Dr. Jameson the arms were then also laid down.

That Commandant Trichardt then appeared with the orders of the Commandant-General to himself.

It now appears that these orders are those which were contained in the telegram of which I already sent you a copy by my above-quoted letter of the 4th March, 1896, and which, after the final regulation of matters such as had then taken place, was not further acted upon because as regards the surrender negotiations were in fact carried on in accordance with the orders of the Commandant-General.

While putting aside the question of the surrender there is little to be said about the other points contained in the telegram under reply, there is one which is considered of sufficient importance by this Government to even still draw the attention of His Excellency the High Commissioner thereto.  His Excellency says:  ’I may therefore explain that an armistice had been agreed to pending my arrival.’

The Government here can only think of one other misunderstanding, they having at the time of the disturbances at Johannesburg never recognized any acting party, for which reason therefore the concluding of an armistice was an impossibility.

In conclusion, I have to tender thanks both to His Honour the Secretary of State and His Excellency the High Commissioner for the unprejudiced manner in which they, as against insinuations of a low character, have made known their feelings with respect to the good faith shown by His Honour the State President in his negotiations in connection with the question of the surrender of Dr. Jameson’s force.

I have, etc.,
Acting State Secretary.

His Honour H. Cloete,
Acting British Agent, Pretoria.

Appeared before me, HERMANUS JACOB COSTER, State Attorney and ex-officio J.P. of the South African Republic, PIETER ARNOLDUS CRONJE, Commandant of the Potchefstroom District, who makes oath and states:

I was, together with H.P.  Malan (Commandant of the Rustenburg District), and F.J.  Potgieter (Commandant of the Krugersdorp District), one of the commanding officers of the burgher forces in the fights against Jameson.  When I noticed the white flag, I instantly ordered De la Rey to approach the enemy.  Instead of De la Rey, Hans Klopper, one of the men of Commandant Potgieter, went.  He brought back a note from Willoughby to me.  The contents of the note were that if we left them to themselves he promised to withdraw over the boundary.  In reply I sent him per Hans Klopper the following note: 

Project Gutenberg
The Transvaal from Within from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.