The Blue Book of Chess eBook

Howard Staunton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about The Blue Book of Chess.

The Blue Book of Chess eBook

Howard Staunton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about The Blue Book of Chess.


WHITE.                            BLACK.
1.  P. to K’s 4th.                1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  P. to K. B’s 4th.             2.  B. to Q. B’s 4th.

This appears to be Black’s best move, if he declines
taking P. with P.

3.  K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3.  P. to Q’s 3d. 4.  P. to Q. B’s 3d. 4.  B. to K. Kt’s 5th. 5.  B. to K’s 2d. (best) 5.  B. takes Kt. 6.  B. takes B. 6.  Q. Kt. to B’s 3d. 7.  P. to Q. Kt’s 4th. 7.  B. to Q. Kt’s 3d. 8.  P. to Q. Kt’s 5th. 8.  Q. Kt. to K’s 2d. 9.  P. to Q’s 4th.  And the position is, perhaps, a little in your favor.


Beginning at White’s 5th move.

WHITE.                            BLACK.
1.  P. to K’s 4th.                1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  P. to K. B’s 4th.             2.  B. to Q. B’s 4th.
3.  K. Kt. to B’s 3d.             3.  P. to Q’s 3d.
4.  P. to Q. B’s 3d.              4.  B. to K. Kt’s 5th.
5.  P. to Q’s 4th.                5.  P. takes P.
6.  P. takes P.                   6.  B. takes Kt.
7.  P. takes B.                   7.  Q. to K. R’s 5th. (ch.)
8.  K. to his 2d.                 8.  B. to Q. Kt’s 3d.
9.  B. to K’s 3d.                 9.  Kt. to K. B’s 3d.
10.  Kt. to Q. B’s 3d.            10.  Kt. to Q. B’s 3d. 
Equal game.


      WHITE.  BLACK.

1.  P. to K’s 4th. 1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  P. to K. B’s 4th. 2.  P. to Q’s 3d.
3.  K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 3.  B. to K. Kt’s 5th.
4.  B. to Q. B’s 4th. 4.  Q. Kt. to B’s 3d.
5.  P. to Q. B’s 3d. 5.  B. takes Kt.
6.  Q. takes B. 6.  Kt. to K. B’s 3d. 

                  The game is slightly in your favour.


Beginning at White’s 3d move.

       WHITE.  BLACK.

1.  P. to K’s 4th. 1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  P. to K. B’s 4th. 2.  P. to Q’s 3d.
3.  B. to Q. B’s 4th. 3.  P. takes P.
4.  K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 4.  B. to K’s 3d.
5.  B. takes B. 5.  P. takes B.
6.  P. to Q’s 4th. 6.  P. to K. Kt’s 4th.
7.  P. to K. R’s 4th. 7.  P. to K. Kt’s 5th.
8.  Kt. to K. Kt’s 5th. 8.  Q. to K. B’s 3d.
9.  Q. takes P.

                                  You have the advantage.


      WHITE.  BLACK.

1.  P. to K’s 4th. 1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  P. to K. B’s 4th. 2.  P. to Q’s 4th.
3.  P. takes Q. P. 3.  Q. takes P.
4.  Q. Kt. to B’s 3d. 4.  Q. to K’s 3d.
5.  K. Kt. to B’s 3d. 5.  P. takes P. (dis. ch.)
Project Gutenberg
The Blue Book of Chess from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.