The Blue Book of Chess eBook

Howard Staunton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about The Blue Book of Chess.

The Blue Book of Chess eBook

Howard Staunton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 393 pages of information about The Blue Book of Chess.
24.  Q. takes Q. B. 24.  B. to Q’s 3d. 25.  K. R. takes K. R. P. (ch.)[F] 25.  K. takes R. 26.  R. to Q’s 3d.[G] 26.  K. to R’s 4th. 27.  Q. to K. B’s 7th. (ch.) And wins; the battle having lasted about seven hours.

[Footnote A:  To enable him to capture the Bishop, which is about to take the Kt., with the Q’s Pawn.]

[Footnote B:  The attack looks already irresistible, but the actual finish is charmingly accomplished.]

[Footnote C:  By this move Black may be said to lose a Piece.  His best course—­but that a bad one—­was possibly to retreat his Bishop to K’s square.]

[Footnote D:  Threatening mate in two moves.]

[Footnote E:  To avert the promised mate, by R. takes Pawn, &c.]

[Footnote F:  The termination is very pretty—­quite an elegant little problem.]

[Footnote G:  And Black has no possible means of escape; for, if he play Q. to K’s sq., White simply captures the Queen for nothing; if B. to Q. B’s 4th (ch.), then follows K. to B’s sq., &c.]

GAME II.—­Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Harrwitz.

{PGN 02}

WHITE. (Mr. M.)                BLACK. (Mr. H.)
1.  P. to K’s 4th.              1.  P. to K’s 4th.
2.  K. Kt. to K. B’s 3d.        2.  P. to Q’s 3d.
3.  P. to Q’s 4th.              3.  P. takes P.
4.  Q. takes P.                 4.  Q. Kt. to Q. B’s 3d.
5.  K. B. to Q. Kt’s 5th.       5.  Q. B. to Q’s 2d.
6.  B. takes Kt.                6.  B. takes B.
7.  B. to K. Kt’s 5th.          7.  P. to K. B’s 3d.
8.  B. to K. R’s 4th.           8.  Kt. to K. R’s 3d.
9.  Q. Kt. to B’s 3d.           9.  K. B. to K’s 2d.
10.  Castles on K’s side.       10.  Q. to Q’s 2d.
11.  Q. R. to Q’s sq.           11.  Castles on K’s side.
12.  Q. to B’s 4th. (ch.)       12.  K. R. to K. B’s 2d.
13.  K. Kt. to Q’s 4th.         13.  Kt. to K. Kt’s 5th.
14.  P. to K. R’s 3d.           14.  Kt. to K’s 4th.
15.  Q. to K’s 2d.              15.  P. to K. Kt’s 4th.[A]
16.  B. to K. Kt’s 3d.          16.  K. R. to K. Kt’s 2d.
17.  K. Kt. to K. B’s 5th.      17.  K. R. to K. Kt’s 3d.
18.  P. to K. B’s 4th.          18.  P. takes P.
19.  K. R. takes P.             19.  K. to R’s sq.
20.  K. R. to K. R’s 4th.       20.  K. B. to his sq.
21.  B. takes Kt.               21.  K. B. P. takes B.
22.  Q. R. to K. B’s sq.        22.  Q. to K’s 3d.
23.  Q. Kt. to Q. Kt’s 5th.     23.  Q. to K. Kt’s sq.
24.  Q. R. to K. B’s 2d.        24.  P. to Q. R’s 3d.
25.  Q. Kt. takes Q. B. P.[B]   25.  Q. R. to Q. B’s sq.
26.  Q. Kt. to Q’s 5th.         26.  B. takes Kt.
27.  K. P. takes B.             27.  Q. R. to Q. B’s 2d.[C]
28.  P. to Q. B’s 4th.          28.  B. to K’s 2d.
29.  K. R. to K. R’s 5th.       29.  Q. to K’s sq.
30.  P. to Q. B’s 5th.[D]       30.  Q. R. takes P.
31.  K. R. takes P. (ch.)       31.  K. takes R.
32.  Q. to K. R’s 5th. (ch.)    32.  K. to Kt. sq.
33.  Kt. takes B. (ch.)         33.  K. to Kt’s 2d.[E]
34.  Kt. to K. B’s 5th. (ch.)   34.  K. to Kt’s sq.
35.  Kt. takes Q. P.
And Black cannot possibly save the game.

[Footnote A:  Very imprudent in such a position and against such an opponent.  It must be admitted, however, that Black has no good move at this crisis.]

Project Gutenberg
The Blue Book of Chess from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.