Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.

Lameness of the Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about Lameness of the Horse.
satisfactory; cotton of long fiber is separated in thin layers and wound about the hock, extending from the site of injury to a point about six inches proximal to the summit of the os calcis.  By using an abundance of cotton in this way, it will not be found necessary to apply the bandages very snugly; with a four-inch gauze bandage material, which is supported above the cap of the hock and brought across the anterior face of the tarsus in a diagonal manner, a comfortable and very serviceable protective dressing is provided for.  Animals so treated will not ordinarily resist because of pressure from the bandages.  Pressure is unavoidable in the use of adhesive dressings or where careful attention is not given the manner of applying cotton to the parts.  Such methods are sure to result disastrously.  But if subjects are kept quiet after the parts have been properly bandaged, no difficulty is encountered in maintaining asepsis in an uninfected wound.  Recovery takes place in favorable cases in from three weeks to three months, depending on the nature and extent of injuries inflicted.

Fracture of the Fibular Tarsal Bone (Calcaneum.)

Etiology and Occurrence.—­This condition though rarely met with in the horse, is the result of violent strain upon the os calcis by the gastrocnemius and superficial flexor tendons in efforts put forth by animals in attempts to regain a footing when the hind feet slip forward under the body, or in jumping and in falls or direct contusion by heavy bodies.  Hoare[50] reports a case of a mare that had produced fracture in jumping.

Fracture of the other tarsal bones are very seldom observed but may be occasioned by contusions wherein multiple or comminuted fractures are produced, such as are to be seen in small animals.  Fracture of the tibial tarsal bone (astragalus) is to be observed as a complication in luxations of the tarsal joint and, according to Cadiot, the other tarsal bones may likewise suffer fracture in luxations of the hock.

Symptomatology.—­Great pain attends this accident according to the observations given in recorded cases.  In the case cited by Hoare the animal evinced great pain and uneasiness; the hock was unduly flexed; the calcaneum was displaced forward; and marked crepitation was present.  A portion of the body of the calcaneum was protruding through the perforated skin.  The animal was destroyed and the bone was found broken in three pieces.

[Illustration:  Fig. 54—­Right hock joint.  Viewed from the front and slightly laterally after removal of joint capsule and long collateral ligaments.  T.t., Tibial tarsal bone (distal tuberosity).  T.c., central tarsal bone.  T.3.  Ridge of third tarsal bone.  T.f.  Fibular tarsal bone (distal end).  T.4.  Fourth tarsal bone.  Mt.  III, Mt.  IV.  Metatarsal bones.  Arrow points to vascular canal. (From Sisson’s “Anatomy of the Domestic Animals.")]

Project Gutenberg
Lameness of the Horse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.