Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886.

Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 141 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886.

The condition of things in the furnace may be illustrated thus:  If we should mingle a quart of molasses and a gallon of water, it would require considerable manipulation and some time to cause them to unite.  Why?  Because one element is so much denser than the other; but if we should mix a quart of the gallon of water with the quart of molasses, and render their densities somewhere near the density of the remaining water, and then pour the masses together, there would be a more speedy commingling of the two.  And so with the furnace.  I have always maintained that every furnace should be lined with fire-brick, in order that it shall be so intensely hot when the air enters that the air shall instantly be heated to the same degree of tenuity as the hot gases themselves, and the two will then unite like a flash—­and that is heat.  And here is the solution of the Wye Williams mystery of failure when cold air was introduced upon the top of a fire to aid combustion.  The proof of the necessity for heat to aid the chemical assimilation of the volatilized coal elements is seen in starting a fire in a common stove.  At first there is only a blue flame, in which the hand may be held; but wait until the lining becomes white hot, and then throw on a little coal, and you will find a totally different result.  It is also seen in the Siemens gas furnace, with which you are doubtless familiar.  There is the introduction of gas with its necessary complement of air.  Until the furnace and retorts become heated, the air and gas flutter through only partially united, and do little good; but as soon as the retorts and furnace become thoroughly hot, the same gas and air will melt a fire-brick.

These are common phenomena, which are familiar, but apt to be unnoticed; but they logically point to the truth that no furnaces should present a cooling medium in contact with fuel which is undergoing this process of digestion, so to speak.  It will be very evident, I think, from these facts that water-legs in direct contact with a fire are a mistake.  They tend to check a fire as far as their influence extends, as a thin sheet of ice upon the stomach after dinner would check digestion, and for the same reason, namely, the abstraction of heat from a chemical process.  If fire-brick could be laid around a locomotive furnace, and the grate, of course, kept of the same area as before, it is my belief that a very important advantage would be at once apparent.  An old-fashioned cast iron heater always produced a treacherous fire.  It would grow dead around the outside next to the cold iron; but put a fire-clay lining into it, and it was as good as any other stove.

If I have now made clear what I mean by making heat, we will next consider the steam boiler.  What is a steam boiler?  It is a thing to absorb heat.  The bottom line of this science is the bottom of a pot over a fire, which is the best boiler surface in the world; there is water upon one side of a piece of iron and heat against the other.  One square foot of the iron will transmit through it a given number of units of heat into the water at a given temperature in a given time; two square feet twice as many, and three, three times as many, and so on.  Put a cover upon the pot, and seal it tight, leave an orifice for the steam, and that is a steam boiler with all its mysteries.

Project Gutenberg
Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.