The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 546 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 546 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1.

Meanwhile a rougher, stronger civilization was growing in the river valleys eastward from the Nile.  The Semitic tribes, who seem to have had their early seat and centre of dispersion somewhere in this region, were coalescing into nations, Babylonians along the lower Tigris and Euphrates, Assyrians later along the upper rivers, Hebrews under David and Solomon[3] by the Jordan, Phoenicians on the Mediterranean coast.

[Footnote 3:  See Accession of Solomon, page 92.]

The early Babylonian civilization may antedate even the Egyptian; but its monuments were less permanent, its rulers less anxious for the future.  The “appeal to posterity,” the desire for a posthumous fame, seems with them to have been slower of conception.  True, the first Babylonian monarchs of whom we have any record, in an era perhaps over five thousand years before Christianity, stamped the royal signet on every brick of their walls and temples.  But common-sense suggests that this was less to preserve their fame than to preserve their bricks.  Theft is no modern innovation.

They were a mathematical race, these Babylonians.  In fact, Semite and mathematician are names that have been closely allied through all the course of history, and one cannot help but wish our Aryan race had somewhere lived through an experience which would produce in them the exactitude in balance and measurement of facts that has distinguished the Arabs and the Jews.  The Babylonians founded astronomy and chronology; they recorded the movements of the stars, and divided their year according to the sun and moon.  They built a vast and intricate network of canals to fertilize their land; and they arranged the earliest system of legal government, the earliest code of laws, that has come down to us.[4]

[Footnote 4:  Compilation of the Earliest Code, page 14.]

The sciences, then, arise more truly here than with the Egyptians.  Man here began to take notice, to record and to classify the facts of nature.  We may count this the second visible step in his great progress.  Never again shall we find him in a childish attitude of idle wonder.  Always is his brain alert, striving to understand, self-conscious of its own power over nature.

It may have been wealth and luxury that enfeebled the Babylonians as, it did the Egyptians.  At any rate, their empire was overturned by a border colony of their own, the Assyrians, a rough and hardy folk who had maintained themselves for centuries battling against tribes from the surrounding mountains.  It was like a return to barbarism when about B.C. 880 the Assyrians swept over the various Semite lands.  Loud were the laments of the Hebrews; terrible the tales of cruelty; deep the scorn with which the Babylonians submitted to the rude conquerors.  We approach here a clearer historic period; we can trace with plainness the devastating track of war;[5] we can read the boastful triumph of the Assyrian chiefs, can watch them step by step as they adopt the culture and the vices of their new subjects, growing ever more graceful and more enfeebled, until they too are overthrown by a new and hardier race, the Persians, an Aryan folk.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.