Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.
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Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.
In v. 1997 ff. this same idiom occurs, and was noticed in B.’s great article on Beowulf, which appeared about the time I published my reading of 1599 and 2027.  Translate 1997 then:  Wouldst let the South-Danes themselves decide about their struggle with Grendel.  Here ‘Sueth-Dene’ is accus. of person, and ‘guethe’ is gen. of thing agreed on.

    With such collateral support as that afforded by B. (P. and B. XII.
    97), I have no hesitation in departing from H.-So., my usual guide.

    The idiom above treated runs through A.-S., Old Saxon, and other
    Teutonic languages, and should be noticed in the lexicons.

    [2] ‘Broden-mael’ is regarded by most scholars as meaning a damaskeened
    sword.  Translate:  The damaskeened sword burned up.  Cf. 25_16 and

[3] ‘Cyning-balde’ (1635) is the much-disputed reading of K. and Th.  To render this, “nobly bold,” “excellently bold,” have been suggested.  B. would read ‘cyning-holde’ (cf. 290), and render:  Men well-disposed towards the king carried the head, etc. ‘Cynebealde,’ says t.B., endorsing Gr.



{Beowulf relates his last exploit.}

          Beowulf spake, offspring of Ecgtheow: 
          “Lo! we blithely have brought thee, bairn of Healfdene,
          Prince of the Scyldings, these presents from ocean
          Which thine eye looketh on, for an emblem of glory.
        5 I came off alive from this, narrowly ’scaping: 
          In war ’neath the water the work with great pains I
          Performed, and the fight had been finished quite nearly,
          Had God not defended me.  I failed in the battle
          Aught to accomplish, aided by Hrunting,
       10 Though that weapon was worthy, but the Wielder of earth-folk

{God was fighting with me.}

          Gave me willingly to see on the wall a
          Heavy old hand-sword hanging in splendor
          (He guided most often the lorn and the friendless),
          That I swung as a weapon.  The wards of the house then
       15 I killed in the conflict (when occasion was given me). 
          Then the battle-sword burned, the brand that was lifted,[1]
          As the blood-current sprang, hottest of war-sweats;
          Seizing the hilt, from my foes I offbore it;
          I avenged as I ought to their acts of malignity,
       20 The murder of Danemen.  I then make thee this promise,

{Heorot is freed from monsters.}

          Thou’lt be able in Heorot careless to slumber
          With thy throng of heroes and the thanes of thy people
          Every and each, of greater and lesser,
          And thou needest not fear for them from the selfsame direction
       25 As thou formerly fearedst, oh, folk-lord of Scyldings,
[58] End-day for earlmen.”  To the age-hoary man then,

Project Gutenberg
Beowulf from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.