Oddsfish! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Oddsfish!.

Oddsfish! eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Oddsfish!.

The Duchess lived at this time in lodgings at the end of the Great Gallery in Whitehall; and I think that of all the apartments I had ever set eyes on—­even the royal lodgings themselves—­this was the finest; and no wonder, for they had been pulled down two or three times before she was satisfied, thus fulfilling the old proverb of Setting a Beggar on Horseback.  I was made to wait awhile in an outer chamber, all as if she were royal; and I examined the pieces of furniture there, and there was nothing in the Queen’s own lodging to approach to them—­so massy was the plate and so great and exquisitely carved the tables and chairs.  When I was taken through at last by a fellow dressed in a livery like the King’s own, the next room, where I was bidden to sit down, was full as fine.  There was a quantity of tapestry upon the walls, of new French fabric, so resembling paintings that I had to touch before I was sure of them—­of Versailles, and St. Germain, with hunting pieces and landscapes and exotic fowls.  There were Japan cabinets, screens and pendule clocks, and a great quantity of plate, all of silver, as well as were the sconces that held the candles; and the ceilings were painted all over, as were His Majesty’s own, I suppose by Verrio.

As I sat there, considering what I should say to her, I heard music continually through one of the doors; and when at last it was flung open and my Lady came through, she brought, as it were, a gust of music with her.

I bowed very low, as I had been instructed, in spite of the character of the woman, and then I kneeled to kiss her hand.  Then she sat down, and left me standing, like a servant.

She appeared at that time to be about thirty years old, though I think she was far beyond this; but she had a wonderfully childish face, very artfully painted and darkened by the eyes.  I cannot deny, however, that she was very handsome indeed, and well set-off by her jewels and her silver-lace gown, cut very low so as to shew her dazzling skin.  Her fingers too, when I kissed them, were but one mass of gems.  Her first simplicity was gone, indeed.

I loathed this work that I was sent on; since it forced me to be civil to this spoiled creature, instead of, as I should have wished, naming her for what she was, to her face.  However, that had been done pretty often by the mob; so I doubt if I could have told her anything she did not know already.  Her voice was set very low and was a little rough; yet it was not ugly at all.  She spoke in French; and so did I.

“Well, Mr. Mallock,” she said, “I have company; but I did not wish to refuse another of His Royal Highness’s ambassadors.  What is the matter now, if you please?”

Now I knew that this kind of personage loved flattery—­for it was nothing but this that had ruined her—­and that it could scarcely be too thick:  so I framed my first sentences in that key:  for, after all, my first business was to please her.

Project Gutenberg
Oddsfish! from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.