The Turtles of Tasman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about The Turtles of Tasman.

The Turtles of Tasman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about The Turtles of Tasman.

* * * * *

I have spoken to him many times, but he never answers.  I sat and watched him all morning.  Frequently he looked at me, and it was patent that he knew me.

* * * * *

By striking the side of my head violently with the heel of my hand, I can shake the vision of him out of my eyes.  Then I can get into the chair; but I have learned that I must move very quickly in order to accomplish this.  Often he fools me and is back again before I can sit down.

* * * * *

It is getting unbearable.  He is a jack-in-the-box the way he pops into the chair.  He does not assume form slowly.  He pops.  That is the only way to describe it.  I cannot stand looking at him much more.  That way lies madness, for it compels me almost to believe in the reality of what I know is not.  Besides, hallucinations do not pop.

* * * * *

Thank God he only manifests himself in the chair.  As long as I occupy the chair I am quit of him.

* * * * *

My device for dislodging him from the chair by striking my head, is failing.  I have to hit much more violently, and I do not succeed perhaps more than once in a dozen trials.  My head is quite sore where I have so repeatedly struck it.  I must use the other hand.

* * * * *

My brother was right.  There is an unseen world.  Do I not see it?  Am I not cursed with the seeing of it all the time?  Call it a thought, an idea, anything you will, still it is there.  It is unescapable.  Thoughts are entities.  We create with every act of thinking.  I have created this phantom that sits in my chair and uses my ink.  Because I have created him is no reason that he is any the less real.  He is an idea; he is an entity:  ergo, ideas are entities, and an entity is a reality.

* * * * *

Query:  If a man, with the whole historical process behind him, can create an entity, a real thing, then is not the hypothesis of a Creator made substantial?  If the stuff of life can create, then it is fair to assume that there can be a He who created the stuff of life.  It is merely a difference of degree.  I have not yet made a mountain nor a solar system, but I have made a something that sits in my chair.  This being so, may I not some day be able to make a mountain or a solar system?

* * * * *

All his days, down to to-day, man has lived in a maze.  He has never seen the light.  I am convinced that I am beginning to see the light—­not as my brother saw it, by stumbling upon it accidentally, but deliberately and rationally.  My brother is dead.  He has ceased.  There is no doubt about it, for I have made another journey down into the cellar to see.  The ground was untouched.  I broke it myself to make sure, and I saw what made me sure.  My brother has ceased, yet have I recreated him.  This is not my old brother, yet it is something as nearly resembling him as I could fashion it.  I am unlike other men.  I am a god.  I have created.

Project Gutenberg
The Turtles of Tasman from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.