The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.

The Psychology of Management eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about The Psychology of Management.

TASK IDEA APPLIES TO WORK OF EVERYONE.—­Under Scientific Management there is a task for every member of the organization, from the head of the management to the worker at the most rudimentary work.  This is too often not known, or not appreciated by the worker, who feels that what is deemed best for him should be good for everyone.  The mental attitude will never be right till all understand that the task idea will increase efficiency when applied to any possible kind of work.  With the application of the task idea to all, will come added cooeperation.

TASK IDEA APPLIES TO THE WORK OF THE ORGANIZATION.—­The work which is to be done by the organization should be considered the task of the organization, and this organization task is studied before individual tasks are set.  The methods used in determining this organization task are analysis and synthesis, just as in the case of the individual task.

INDIVIDUAL TASKS ARE ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATION TASK.—­The individual tasks are considered as elements of the organization task.  The problem is, to determine the best arrangement of these individual tasks, the best schedule, and routing.  The individual task may be thought of as something moving, that must be gotten out of the way.

Management has been called largely a matter of transportation.  It may be “transportation” or moving of materials, revolution of parts of fixed machinery, or merely transportation of parts of one’s body in manual movements;[7] in any case, the laws governing transportation apply to all.  This view of management is most stimulating to the mind.  A moving object attracts attention and holds interest.  Work that is interesting can be accomplished with greater speed and less fatigue.  Thinking in terms of the methods of Scientific Management as the most accurate and efficient in transporting the finished output and its “chips"[8] will be a great aid towards attaining the best results possible by means of a new method of visualizing the problem.

QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SYNTHESIST.—­The synthesist must have a constructive mind, for he determines the sequence of events as well as the method of attack.  He must have the ability to see the completed whole which he is trying to make, and to regard the elements with which he works not only as units, but in relation to each other.  He must feel that any combination is influenced not only by the elements that go into it, but by the inter-relation between these elements.  This differs for different combinations as in a kaleidoscope.

THE SYNTHESIST A CONSERVER.—­The Synthesist must never be thought of as a destructive critic.  He is, in reality, a conserver of all that is valuable in old methods.  Through his work and that of the analyst, the valuable elements of traditional methods are incorporated into standard methods.  These standard methods will, doubtless, be improved as time goes on, but the valuable elements will be permanently conserved.

Project Gutenberg
The Psychology of Management from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.