Ten Years' Exile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Ten Years' Exile.

Ten Years' Exile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Ten Years' Exile.
happened if he had perished.  Some persons said that Moreau would have replaced him:  Bonaparte pretended that it would have been General Bernadotte.  “Like Antony,” said he, “he would have presented to the inflamed populace the bloody robe of Caesar.”  I know not if he really believed that France would have then called Bernadotte to the head of affairs, but what I am quite sure of is, that he said so for the purpose of exciting envy against that general.

If the infernal machine had been contrived by the jacobins, the first consul might have immediately redoubled his tyranny; public opinion would have seconded him:  but as this plot proceeded from the royalist party, he could not derive much advantage from it.  He endeavoured rather to stifle, than avail himself of it, as he wished the nation to believe that his enemies were only the enemies of order, and not the friends of another order, that is to say, of the old dynasty.  What is very remarkable, is, that on the occasion of a royalist conspiracy, Bonaparte caused, by a senatus consultum, one hundred and thirty jacobins to be transported to the island of Madagascar, or rather to the bottom of the sea, for they have never been heard of since.  This list was made in the most arbitrary manner possible; names were put upon it, or erased, according to the recommendations of counsellors of state, who proposed, and of senators, who sanctioned it.  Respectable people said, when the manner in which this list had been made was complained of, that it was composed of great criminals; that might be very true, but it is the right and not the fact which constitutes the legality of actions.  When the arbitrary transportation of one hundred and thirty citizens is submitted to, there is nothing to prevent, as we have since seen, the application of the same treatment to the most respectable persons.—­Public opinion, it is said, will prevent this, Opinion! what is it without the authority of law? what is it without independent organs to express it?  Opinion was in favor of the Duke d’Enghien, in favor of Moreau, in favor of Pichegru:—­was it able to save them?  There will be neither liberty, dignity, nor security in a country where proper names are discussed when injustice is about to be committed.  Every man is innocent until condemned by a legal tribunal; and the fate of even the greatest of criminals, if he is withdrawn from the law, ought to make good people tremble in common, with others.  But, as is the custom in the English House of Commons, when an opposition member goes out, he requests a ministerial member to pair off with him, not to alter the strength of either party, Bonaparte never struck the jacobins or the royalists without dividing his blows equally between them:  he thus made friends of all those whose vengeance he served, We shall see in the sequel that he always reckoned on the gratification of this passion to consolidate his government:  for he knows that it is much more to be depended on than affection.  After a revolution, the spirit of party is so bitter, that a new chief can subdue it more by serving its vengeance, than by supporting its interests:  all abandon, if necessary, those who think like themselves, provided they can sacrifice those who think differently.

Project Gutenberg
Ten Years' Exile from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.