Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.

Jack Sheppard eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Jack Sheppard.

“On one condition I will spare him,” returned Wild; “on one condition only.”

“What is it?” asked the poor woman.

“Either he or you must return with me,” answered Jonathan.

“Take me, then,” replied the widow.  And she would have rushed to him, if she had not been forcibly withheld by her son.

“Do not go near him, mother,” cried Jack; “do not believe him.  There is some deep treachery hidden beneath his words.”

“I will go,” said Mrs. Sheppard, struggling to get free.

“Attend to me, Mrs. Sheppard,” said Jonathan, looking calmly on at this distressing scene, “Attend to me, and do not heed him.  I swear to you, solemnly swear to you, I will save your son’s life, nay more, will befriend him, will place him out of the reach of his enemies, if you consent to become my wife.”

“Execrable villain!” exclaimed Jack.

“You hear that,” cried Mrs. Sheppard; “he swears to save you.”

“Well,” replied her son; “and you spurn the proposal.”

“No; she accepts it,” rejoined Jonathan, triumphantly.  “Come along, Mrs.
Sheppard.  I’ve a carriage within call shall convey you swiftly to town. 
Come! come!”

“Hear me, mother,” cried Jack, “and I will explain to you why the villain makes this strange and revolting proposal.  He well knows that but two lives—­those of Thames Darrell and Sir Rowland Trenchard,—­stand between you and the vast possessions of the family.  Those lives removed,—­and Sir Rowland is completely in his power, the estates would be yours—­HIS! if he were your husband.  Now do you see his motive?”

“I see nothing but your danger,” replied his mother, tenderly.

“Granted it were as you say, Jack,” said Wild;—­“and I sha’n’t take the trouble to contradict you—­the estates would be yours hereafter.”

“Liar!” cried Jack.  “Do you affect ignorance that I am a condemned felon, and can inherit nothing?  But do not imagine that under any circumstances I would accept your terms.  My mother shall never degrade herself by a connection with you.”

“Degrade herself,” rejoined Jonathan, brutally.  “Do you think I would take a harlot to my bed, if it didn’t suit my purposes to do so?”

“He says right,” replied Mrs. Sheppard, distractedly.  “I am only fit for such as him.  Take me! take me!”

“Before an hour you shall be mine,” said Jonathan advancing towards her.

“Back!” cried Jack fiercely:  “lay a finger on her, and I will fell you to the ground.  Mother! do you know what you do?  Would you sell yourself to this fiend?”

“I would sell myself, body and soul, to save you,” rejoined his mother, bursting from his grasp.

Jonathan caught her in his arms.

“Come away!” he cried, with the roar of a demon.

This laugh and his looks alarmed her.

“It is the fiend!” she exclaimed, recoiling.  “Save me!—­save me!”

Project Gutenberg
Jack Sheppard from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.