His Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about His Life.

His Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about His Life.

=IV.  His Withdrawal with the Twelve=

1.  The ministry beyond Galilee
     The Phoenician Retirement and the Gentile Cure. 100
     Miracles and Multitudes Again. 101
     The Four Thousand Fed. 101
     The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand a Sign. 102
     The Blind Man Healed. 103

2.  Jesus the messiah
     Peter’s Confession. 105
     The Passion and Resurrection Foretold. 105
     The Transfiguration. 106
     The Epileptic Boy. 108

3.  The training of the twelve
     The Passion and Resurrection Again Foretold. 110
     The Greatest Disciple. 110
     Forgiveness. 112
     The Shekel for the Temple. 113

=V.  His Face Toward Jerusalem=

1.  The final departure from Galilee
     The Beginning of the End. 114
     The Grateful Samaritan Leper. 114
     New Disciples. 115

2.  In Jerusalem—­the attempt to stone him
     Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles. 116
     Jesus and the Accused Woman. 118
     The Light of the World. 119
     The Freedom of the Soul. 121

3.  The ministry in Perea
     The Mission of the Seventy. 123
     The Return of the Seventy. 124
     The Meek and Lowly. 124
     The Unrepentant Cities. 125
     The Good Samaritan. 125

4.  In Jerusalem—­the attempt to arrest him
     The Friends at Bethany. 127
     A Miracle in Jerusalem. 127
     The Good Shepherd. 130
     Jesus at the Feast of Dedication. 131

5.  Renewed ministry in Perea
     Jesus and the Pharisees. 133
     Warning Against Covetousness. 134
     The Fall of the Tower. 134
     The Uses of the Sabbath. 135

Project Gutenberg
His Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.