Dorothy Dale's Camping Days eBook

Margaret Penrose
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Dorothy Dale's Camping Days.

Dorothy Dale's Camping Days eBook

Margaret Penrose
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 176 pages of information about Dorothy Dale's Camping Days.

But never a lamb, sheep or other species of animal named made a move toward the fence.

“I’ll get a few!” declared Tavia, jumping down over the fence, into the meadow, and racing wildly among the sheep.

“The ram!  The ram!” shouted Edna.  “Tavia!  He is coming directly for you!”

This was a signal for Tavia to turn back to the fence.  The ram did follow her.  She pulled down a rail, and bolted through the opening just as the savage animal and the great herd of sheep followed.

“Run, sheep, run!” yelled Edna, as the much-terrified girls scattered hither and thither, along the road, fully conscious that they were responsible for the safety of the frantic flock that had broken loose from their pasture.

“Now for the farmer and his whip!” gasped Dorothy.  “I thought we had had enough of that for one afternoon!”

“Too much is enough,” answered Edna dryly, “but Tavia likes it.  May she have a real account of the little lamb story for the English class to-morrow.”

“Look!  They are all following her!” moaned Nita.

“And they seem to think she is taking them home to supper!” added Cologne.

“What shall we do?” wailed Nita.  “We will surely all be arrested!”

“Wish the police van would hurry up, then,” sighed Edna, “I am getting tuckered out,” and she glanced back again, to behold Tavia in the very midst of the flock of the now somewhat quieted sheep.

“A nice cool cell wouldn’t be so bad,” declared Cologne, who, being inclined to flesh, was apt to give out before her companions would give in.

“How are the ’Bo-Peepers’?” yelled Tavia, with a flourish of a stick meant to represent a shepherdess crook.  “Or do you prefer the old Roman?  There will be all kinds of conflagrations when Nero comes!”

“Isn’t she dreadful!” retorted Nita, whose face was really a sickly white.  “She gets us all into trouble, and then gloats over it.”

“You wanted something real to write about to-day,” Edna reminded her.  “This would make a regular thriller!”

“But, as a matter of fact,” began Dorothy seriously, as she stopped, and her companions halted with her, “what had we best do?  We cannot walk into Glenwood Hall with a herd of sheep at our heels,” for the animals were now following the girls along the road.

“Let’s shoo them,” suggested Cologne.  “Maybe they’ll shoo nicely.”

“We’ll get shooed when we try to get in to-night,” murmured Edna.  “And just when we were finishing up the year in rather good style.  I hadn’t a single thing against my name——­”

“There’s that man who saved the team,” gasped Dorothy.  “Mercy!  Wherever does he come from?  A man is worse than two herds of sheep—­in our scrape with Mrs. Pangborn!”

Just as mysteriously as he had appeared before, the man with the Chesterfieldian walk, and the big slouch hat, turned into the road.  Where he had come from, nobody could imagine.

Project Gutenberg
Dorothy Dale's Camping Days from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.