The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 582 pages of information about The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power.

The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 582 pages of information about The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power.

“The disastrous situation of our affairs has moved us to lay before our dear and faithful States of Hungary, the recent invasion of Austria, the danger now impending over this kingdom, and a proposal for the consideration of a remedy.  The very existence of the kingdom of Hungary, of our own person, of our children and our crown, is now at stake.  Forsaken by all, we place our sole resource in the fidelity, arms and long tried valor of the Hungarians; exhorting you, the states and orders, to deliberate without delay in this extreme danger, on the most effectual measures for the security of our person, of our children and of our crown, and to carry them into immediate execution.  In regard to ourself, the faithful states and orders of Hungary shall experience our hearty cooeperation in all things which may promote the pristine happiness of this ancient kingdom, and the honor of the people.”

(Some may feel interested in reading this speech in the original Latin, as it is now found recorded in the archives of Hungary.  It is as follows: 

“Allocutio Reginae Hungariae Mariae Theresiae, anno 1741.  Afflictus rerum nostrarum status nos movit, ut fidelibus perchari regni Hungariae statibus de hostili provinciae nostrae hereditariae, Austriae invasione, et imminente regno huic periculo, adeoque de considerando remedio propositionem scripto faciamus.  Agitur de regno Hungaria, de persona nostra, prolibus nostris, et corona, ab omnibus derelicti, unice ad inclytorum statuum fidelitatem, arma, et Hungarorum priscam virtutem confugimus, impense hortantes, velint status et ordines in hoc maximo periculo de securitate personae nostrae, prolium, coronae, et regni quanto ocius consulere, et ea in effectum etiam deducere.  Quantum ex parte nostra est, quaecunque pro pristina regni hujus felicitate, et gentis decore forent, in iis omnibus benignitatem et clementiam nostram regiam fideles status et ordines regni experturi sunt.”)

The response was instantaneous and emphatic.  A thousand warriors drew their sabers half out of their scabbards, and then thrust them back to the hilt, with a clangor like the clash of swords on the field of battle.  Then with one voice they shouted, “Moriamur pro nostra rege, Maria Theresa”—­We will die for our sovereign, Maria Theresa.

The queen, until now, had preserved a perfectly calm and composed demeanor.  But this outburst of enthusiasm overpowered her, and forgetting the queen, she pressed her handkerchief to her eyes and burst into a flood of tears.  No manly heart could stand this unmoved.  Every eye was moistened, every heart throbbed with admiration and devotion, and a scene of indescribable enthusiasm ensued.  Hungary was now effectually roused, and Maria Theresa was queen of all hearts.  Every noble was ready to march his vassals and to open his purse at her bidding.  All through the wide extended realm, the enthusiasm rolled like an inundation.  The remote tribes on the banks of

Project Gutenberg
The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.