The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891.

The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891.

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The Ballard School at Macon, Ga, is in high prosperity.

Straight University under its new President, Oscar Atwood, is moving forward most hopefully.

A council of five neighboring churches at McLeansville, N.C., Dec., 31, 1890, ordained Brother C.C.  Collins to the gospel ministry.  Rev. A.W.  Curtis of Raleigh was Moderator, and Rev. A. Connet of McLeansville, Scribe.

A gracious religious interest is reported from Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., and many hopeful conversions have gladdened the hearts of our teachers there.  The pastor of the Howard Church at Nashville, Tenn., writes us of twenty-one conversions during Mr. Wharton’s stay with him.  Six conversions are also reported at Thomasville, Ga.

From Knoxville, Tenn., comes this word:  The labors of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton were greatly blessed of the Lord, the hearts of Christians were revived and twenty-six souls were brought to the knowledge of Christ.  We are very hopeful of many of the most promising and influential young people.  Our Sabbath-school has just been reorganized and a number of the converts have been put into active service.  We expect good results to follow the work of the evangelists for a long time to come.

From Memphis, Tenn:  Our attendance for last November ran up to the goodly number 508.  The present month will show an advance on this number, and for January we expect to reach the 550 stage.  The increase must be confined chiefly to the night school, which is flourishing.

At the recent Tenth Anniversary of the Lincoln Memorial Church in Washington, the following facts were stated: 

The church was organized January 10, 1881, with eleven members, and its present enrollment is 235.  It has sustained a sewing-school, in which over 400 girls have been taught.  It held night schools until night schools were opened in the public schools, and it now sustains a kindergarten.  It has sustained various branches of missionary, temperance and charitable work.  It has a flourishing Sunday-school and senior and junior Societies of Christian Endeavor.

A Sunday-school superintendent in the South needs a Bible Dictionary for the use of himself and his school.  Who will send a good second-hand one for him?  We will forward it.

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The University of Tougaloo is most beautifully located on a plantation of five hundred acres among great oak trees festooned with Spanish moss.  We have been having delightful weather for the past month, corresponding somewhat to our Northern October weather.

It is truly pitiful to think how most of our pupils have lived before coming here.  One girl had never seen a flight of stairs before and stood helplessly at the bottom, not knowing how to climb them:  and finally attempted to go up on her hands and knees as she had climbed a ladder.  But whatever they have been accustomed to before, they can never live the same again after having been here.

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 2, February, 1891 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.