Troop One of the Labrador eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about Troop One of the Labrador.

Troop One of the Labrador eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 200 pages of information about Troop One of the Labrador.

“And you’ll stay now?  You’ll not be leavin’ The Labrador again?” asked Thomas, after supper.

“Aye,” said Doctor Joe, “I’ve elected to be a Labradorman.”  Then, turning to the boys, he suggested: 

“Lads, there are a lot of things in that skiff of mine.  I wish you’d bring them in.  Will you do it while your father and I visit?”

The boys were not only glad but eager to do it, for there were doubtless many surprises for themselves in the skiff, and with one accord the three hurried out.

“Years ago, Thomas,” said Doctor Joe, when the boys were gone, “in my days in New York, I invested a little money in a mining property.  Shortly after I made the investment it was said the ore had run out, and I believed my money was lost.  When I returned to New York this summer I found that more ore had been found later, and the mine had earned me a lot of money.  I invested what was due to me in such a way that it will bring me an income each year sufficient to provide me with all I shall ever need.”

“Oh, but that’s fine now!” said Thomas.

“Thomas,” Doctor Joe continued “I should not have been able to enjoy this had it not been for your kindness to me years ago, when I came first to The Labrador a man of broken health.  If you had not offered me your friendship then I should have died an invalid in poverty.

“I’ve thought of this a thousand times.  I believe God sent me here.  I only knew then that I came because I sought a secluded spot on the earth where I could find relief from turmoil.  Now, I believe He guided me to The Labrador and to The Jug to you.  He had something for me to do in the world, and this was His way of saving me.

“When Jamie needed me I was here, and because you had befriended me I was prepared with God’s help and with my skill and training to restore Jamie’s eyesight.  There are others on the coast who need a doctor’s skill just as Jamie needed it, and they have no one to help them.  I have decided that I shall be doctor to the people.  If I can help the folk, as I am sure I can, I’ll be happy in the knowledge that I’m making some little return for the great deal that you have done for me.”

“I were never doin’ much for you, Doctor Joe—­just what one man would always do for another,” Thomas protested.  “But ‘twill be a blessin’ to the folk of The Labrador to have you doctor un!  We all need doctors often enough when there’s none to be had, and folks die for the need of un.”

“Yes, folks die here for the need of a doctor,” Doctor Joe agreed, “and I hope I may be the means of saving lives and giving relief.”

The three boys broke in upon them with their arms full of packages.

“There’s a lot more!” exclaimed Jamie depositing his load upon the floor.

“Perhaps we had better help them, Thomas,” suggested Doctor Joe, rising.

“Oh, no, sir,” Jamie protested.  “Let us bring un up!”

Project Gutenberg
Troop One of the Labrador from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.