Frank and Fanny eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about Frank and Fanny.

Frank and Fanny eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about Frank and Fanny.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton owned the comfortable cottage, in which they lived.  It was shaded in front by a large elm tree, that spread its arms far out over the moss-covered roof, as if it were some protecting spirit.  Around the door, a beautiful vine had been trained; and rose bushes, and shrubs, were scattered through the yard.  On one side of the house, was a garden, where grew a profusion of currant bushes, and raspberry vines, with many useful vegetables, and flowers were scattered along on each side of the little walk that ran through the centre of the garden.  There were hollyhocks, and noonsleeps, and tiger-lilies, and little patches of moss pinks, the tiny flowers all tangled in with their green foliage, and sweet williams, and love-lies-bleeding; and the children thought there was never such another garden in the world.  Here the children delighted to watch the butterflies, and bees, and birds, revelling among the flowers, especially the beautiful humming bird, with his jacket of golden green, his ruby-colored throat, and long, slender bill, which he was so fond of thrusting into the garden lilies and hollyhocks.  He loved to resort to the garden of Frank and Fanny, where the bright sun was shining on the flowers.

[Illustration:  The humming bird.]

Then there was a little brown arbor, with grape vines carefully trained over it, and rustic seats within; and there were quince trees just beyond, and up by the gateway there grew tall stalks of fennel; and altogether, it was a most delightful place.  Back of the house was an orchard, and here pippins, long-stems, flyers, greenings, and seek-no-furthers, grew side by side.

[Illustration:  The cedar bird.]

Here these children delighted to watch the beautiful cedar bird with his silky plumage, and his smart crest.  He is a sociable, gentle bird, who allowed the children to come very near him, as he was perched upon the cedar bush.

The stone wall which surrounded the orchard, afforded shelter to a great number of striped squirrels, whose nimble motions it was the delight of Frank and Fanny to watch, as they scampered over the wall, or ran along on its top, or sought a safer retreat in the thick branches of the apple trees.  This last retreat, however, was not often sought, as the striped squirrel is not fond of trees.  His nest is in a hole under a stump, or stone wall; he seeks his living on the ground, and is the most playful, elegant little animal I ever saw.  He is called in different parts of the country, Ground Squirrel, Chipping Squirrel, and Chipmuck, the last being probably his Indian name.  Frank and Fanny loved the striped squirrel; but never threw stones at him, or sought to make him a prisoner.

[Illustration:  The striped squirrel.]

The foot of the orchard was bounded by a clear, wide brook, shaded by willows, and the fish plashed about in troops in the cool shade.

Project Gutenberg
Frank and Fanny from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.