A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After.

A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After.

But Bok was really happiest in that part of his work which concerned itself with the writing of advertisements.  The science of advertisement writing, which meant to him the capacity to say much in little space, appealed strongly.  He found himself more honestly attracted to this than to the writing of his literary letter, his editorials, or his book reviewing, of which he was now doing a good deal.  He determined to follow where his bent led; he studied the mechanics of unusual advertisements wherever he saw them; he eagerly sought a knowledge of typography and its best handling in an advertisement, and of the value and relation of illustrations to text.  He perceived that his work along these lines seemed to give satisfaction to his employers, since they placed more of it in his hands to do; and he sought in every way to become proficient in the art.

To publishers whose advertisements he secured for the periodicals in his charge, he made suggestions for the improvement of their announcements, and found his suggestions accepted.  He early saw the value of white space as one of the most effective factors in advertising; but this was a difficult argument, he soon found, to convey successfully to others.  A white space in an advertisement was to the average publisher something to fill up; Bok saw in it something to cherish for its effectiveness.  But he never got very far with his idea:  he could not convince (perhaps because he failed to express his ideas convincingly) his advertisers of what he felt and believed so strongly.

An occasion came in which he was permitted to prove his contention.  The Scribners had published Andrew Carnegie’s volume, Triumphant Democracy, and the author desired that some special advertising should be done in addition to that allowed by the appropriation made by the house.  To Bok’s grateful ears came the injunction from the steel magnate:  “Use plenty of white space.”  In conjunction with Mr. Doubleday, Bok prepared and issued this extra advertising, and for once, at least, the wisdom of using white space was demonstrated.  But it was only a flash in the pan.  Publishers were unwilling to pay for “unused space,” as they termed it.  Each book was a separate unit, others argued:  it was not like advertising one article continuously in which money could be invested; and only a limited amount could be spent on a book which ran its course, even at its best, in a very short time.

And, rightly or wrongly, book advertising has continued much along the same lines until the present day.  In fact, in no department of manufacturing or selling activity has there been so little progress during the past fifty years as in bringing books to the notice of the public.  In all other lines, the producer has brought his wares to the public, making it easier and still easier for it to obtain his goods, while the public, if it wants a book, must still seek the book instead of being sought by it.

Project Gutenberg
A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.