The Boy and the Sunday School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about The Boy and the Sunday School.

The Boy and the Sunday School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about The Boy and the Sunday School.

(b) Next, get two or three of your “key” pupils, and talk it over with them.  Show them the possibilities of the organization, emphasizing the physical, mental, social and spiritual activities.

(c) Follow this with a special meeting of the class, to be held either at the home of the teacher or one of the class.

(d) Make the organization genuine, and show that you mean business.  The teen age abhors shams, and will readily detect any weak spots in the organization.  Impress upon them the necessity of selecting capable officers.  Adopt the class constitution, which follows, select class name and motto, and elect the officers.

(e) Then let the officers conduct the meetings, both in the Sunday and the mid-week sessions.  The teacher is one of the class and is the director of activities; the officers and committeemen do the work.

(f) In all things keep in close touch with the general superintendent and the departmental superintendent of the school.  Seek the strength that comes from advice and cooperation.


A class constitution is not essential, but is often helpful.  The following form of constitution is merely suggestive and may be changed to conform to the needs of the class.

Article I—­Name.

Our class shall be known as _______________
_____________ and shall be connected
with, and form a part of, the
______________Sunday school of_______.

Article II—­Object.

The object of the class shall be the training of Christian character for Christian service in the extension of Christ’s Kingdom by means of Bible study, through-the-week activities, mutual helpfulness, and social fellowship, in addition to the winning of its members’ allegiance to Christ as Saviour and Lord.

Article III—­Class Spirit.

To create an individuality in class spirit, loyalty and enthusiasm, the class shall have an emblem, a motto and a color.  It may also have a flower, a song, a yell, a whistle, or such other additions as may seem wise.

Article IV—­Membership.

Any boy may become a member of this class on invitation of the class.

Article V—­Officers.

The class officers may include the following:  Teacher, President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The officers shall be elected by ballot semiannually by the class, and no officer shall serve in the same position more than two terms in succession, except the teacher, whose election or appointment is governed by the church or Sunday school.  The teacher may be elected by the class from a list provided by the church authorities.

Article VI—­Committees

There shall be as many committees in the class as necessary, such as
Social, Literary, Music, Athletic, etc.

Article VII—­Meetings.

The class shall meet at ____o’clock each Sunday for its regular Bible
study session.  Week-day meetings may be held each week.  Special meetings
may be called at any time by the president, and the presence of
one-fourth of the enrolled membership shall be necessary for the
transaction of class business.

Article VIII—­Duties of Officers and Committees.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy and the Sunday School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.