The Haskalah Movement in Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Haskalah Movement in Russia.

The Haskalah Movement in Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Haskalah Movement in Russia.

Linetzky, Dos Polische Yingel, Lemberg, 1880.

Loewe, Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, London, 1890.

London, Unter juedischen Proletariern, 1898.

Lubarsky and Lewin-Epstein, Derek Hayyim, New York, 1905.

Lubliner, De la condition politique... dans le royaume de Pologne, Brussels, 1860.

Maggid, Toledot Mishpehot Ginzberg, St. Petersburg, 1899.

Maimon, Autobiographic, Berlin, 1793; Engl. transl., Boston, 1888; Heb. transl., Warsaw, 1899.

Malishevsky, Yevreyi v Yuzhnoy Rossii i Kieve v. x-xii.  Vyekakh, St. Petersburg, 1878.

Mandelkern, Dibre Yeme Russyah, Warsaw, 1875.

Mandelstamm, Hazon la-Moed, Vienna, 1877.

Mann, Sheerit Yisrael, Vilna, 1818.

Mapu, ‘Ayit Zabua’ Warsaw, 1873.

Margolioth, Bet Middot, Prague, 1786.

Minor, Rukovodstvo, Moscow, 1881.

Morgulis, Voprosi Yevreyskoy Zhizni, St. Petersburg, 1889.

Nathanson, Sefat Emet, Warsaw, 1887.

Nathanson, Sefer ha-Zikronot, Warsaw, 1878.

Nusbaum, Historiya Zhidov, Warsaw, 1888-1890, 5 vols.

Orshansky, Yevreyskaya Biblyotyeka, ii.

Paperna, Ha-Derammah, Odessa, 1867.

Persecution of the Jews in Russia, Philadelphia, 1891.

Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, Berlin, 1882.

Pinsker, Likkute Kadmoniot, Vilna, 1860.

Plungian, Ben Porat, Vilna, 1858.

Polonnoy, Toledot Ya’akob Yosef, Lemberg, 1856.

Prelooker, Heroes and Heroines of Russia, London.

Prelooker, Under the Czar and Queen Victoria, London.

Rabinovitz, Ma’amar ’al ha-Defosat ha-Talmud, Munich, 1876.

Rhine, Leon Gordon.  An Appreciation, Philadelphia, 1910.

Rodkinson, Toledot ’Ammude HaBaD, Koenigsberg, 1876.

Rosensohn, ’Ezah we-Tushiah, Vilna, 1870.

Rosensohn, Shelom Ahim, Vilna, 1870.

Rosenthal, Toledot Hebrat Marbe Haskalah, i., St. Petersburg, 1885; ii., ibid., 1890.

Rubinow, Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor, No. 72, Washington, Sept., 1907.

San Donato, The Jewish Question, St. Petersburg, 1883.

Sbornik of the Ministry of Education, in., St. Petersburg.

Schechter, Studies in Judaism, i., Philadelphia, 1896; ii., ibid., 1908.

Scholz, Die Juden in Russland, Berlin, 1900.

Seiberling, Gegen Brafmann’s Buch des Kahals, Vienna, 1881.

Shatzkes, Ha-Mafteah, Warsaw, 1866-1869.

Shereshevsky, O Knigie Kahala, St. Petersburg, 1872.

Silber, Elijah Gaon, New York, 1906.

Slouschz, La renaissance de la litterature hebraique, Paris, 1903.  Heb.,
Warsaw, 1906; Engl. transl., Philadelphia, 1909.

Smolenskin, Ha-Toeh be-Darke ha-Hayyim, Vienna, 1876, 4 vols.

Project Gutenberg
The Haskalah Movement in Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.