Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop.

Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop.
to ask where Cousin Marion did live.  It was a boy skippin’ rope ’s I asked, ‘n’ he never quit skippin’ for one second out o’ politeness.  Seems he was doin’ a thousand steady on a bet, ‘n’ I’m free to confess ‘s I felt pretty foolish askin’ questions ‘n’ his rope like to catch on my nose every other word.  I finally made out, though, ’s Cousin Marion lived out the other end o’ town, ‘n’ so I walked on till I come to the road.  Mrs. Lathrop, it was another road o’ hills, ‘n’ I must say ’s the sight made my blood run cold for the third time in one day.  F’r a minute I thought seriously o’ jus’ takin’ a train away ag’in ‘n’ lettin’ Cousin Marion fiddle alone f’r another fifty years, f’r I give you my word o’ honor, Mrs. Lathrop, ’s I was ’most dead, ‘n’ Lord only knows what made me keep on, f’r what came after was enough to shake my faith in the Lord forever ’f I really believed ’s any one but Cousin Marion had one word to say in the matter.  But I was raised to finish up all things ’s is begun, ‘n’ I snapped my teeth tight together ‘n’ set out over them extra hills with all the resignation ’s I c’d scrape up f’r the need o’ the moment.  I was hot inside ‘n’ hot outside, but I’d made up my mind to see the thing through ‘n’ so I pegged right along.

“Well, Mrs. Lathrop, ’f I was on the witness stand with Bibles above ‘n’ below, I c’d n’t but swear ’s it was two miles ’f it was a cent.  ‘N’ even then they was a long two miles.  I was on my very last legs when I got there, ‘n’ nothin’ ’t I see revived me none.  Mrs. Lathrop, the awfullest old tumble-down house ’s ever you see—­pigs in the yard, ‘n’ ‘Prim’ on the gate-post!  ‘N’ me standin’ pantin’ for breath, ‘n’ related to ’em all!”

Mrs. Lathrop’s eyes grew bigger and bigger.

“There was a old man a-sittin’ on a chair on the porch in one boot ‘n’ one slipper ‘n’ a cane.  He looked ’t me ’s if it ‘d be nothin’ but a joy to him to eat me up alive ‘n’ jus’ relish to gnaw the bones afterwards.  You c’n maybe realize, Mrs. Lathrop, ’s I wasn’t no ways happy ’s I walked a little piece up towards him ‘n’ said ’s I ’d like to see my cousin, Marion Prim.  He give such a nod ’s seemed ’s if his head ’d fly off, ‘n’ I took it ’s she was somewhere near ‘n’ a-comin’.  So, ‘s I was all used up, I jus’ started to sink right down on the steps to wait for her.

“Oh, my soul ‘n’ body, that minute!—­The awful shock!—­Oh, Mrs. Lathrop! you never in all your life dreamed such a yell ’s he give!  I like to ‘a’ went deaf!  I jumped worse ’n ’f I ’d been shot stone-dead.  Wild whoopin’ Indians was sleepin’ babes beside him.  ’Not on my steps!’ he shrieked, poundin’ with his cane ‘n’ shakin’ with his fist,—­’not on my steps,’ he howled louder ’n all below,—­’not while I ’m alive!—­not while I c’n prevent!—­not while I c’n help it!—­no Clegg sits afore me, not now ‘n’ not never!’ You c’n imagine, Mrs. Lathrop, ’s I didn’t get very far to sat down under them circumstances.  I trembled all over, ‘n’ I backed off quite

Project Gutenberg
Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.