Man and Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 882 pages of information about Man and Wife.

Man and Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 882 pages of information about Man and Wife.

“I own I have behaved like a fool,” the letter concluded, “in keeping Geoffrey Delamayn’s secret for him—­as things have turned out.  But how could I tell upon him without compromising Miss Silvester?  Read her letter, and you will see what she says, and how generously she releases me.  It’s no use saying I am sorry I wasn’t more cautious.  The mischief is done.  I’ll stick at nothing—­as I have said before—­to undo it.  Only tell me what is the first step I am to take; and, as long as it don’t part me from Blanche, rely on my taking it.  Waiting to hear from you, I remain, dear Sir Patrick, yours in great perplexity, Arnold Brinkworth.”

Sir Patrick folded the letter, and looked at the two inclosures lying on the table.  His eye was hard, his brow was frowning, as he put his hand to take up Anne’s letter.  The letter from Arnold’s agent in Edinburgh lay nearer to him.  As it happened, he took that first.

It was short enough, and clearly enough written, to invite a reading before he put it down again.  The lawyer reported that he had made the necessary inquiries at Glasgow, with this result.  Anne had been traced to The Sheep’s Head Hotel.  She had lain there utterly helpless, from illness, until the beginning of September.  She had been advertised, without result, in the Glasgow newspapers.  On the 5th of September she had sufficiently recovered to be able to leave the hotel.  She had been seen at the railway station on the same day—­but from that point all trace of her had been lost once more.  The lawyer had accordingly stopped the proceedings, and now waited further instructions from his client.

This letter was not without its effect in encouraging Sir Patrick to suspend the harsh and hasty judgment of Anne, which any man, placed in his present situation, must have been inclined to form.  Her illness claimed its small share of sympathy.  Her friendless position—­so plainly and so sadly revealed by the advertising in the newspapers—­pleaded for merciful construction of faults committed, if faults there were.  Gravely, but not angrily, Sir Patrick opened her letter—­the letter that cast a doubt on his niece’s marriage.

Thus Anne Silvester wrote: 

“GLASGOW, September 5.

“DEAR MR. BRINKWORTH,—­Nearly three weeks since I attempted to write to you from this place.  I was seized by sudden illness while I was engaged over my letter; and from that time to this I have laid helpless in bed—­very near, as they tell me, to death.  I was strong enough to be dressed, and to sit up for a little while yesterday and the day before.  To-day, I have made a better advance toward recovery.  I can hold my pen and control my thoughts.  The first use to which I put this improvement is to write these lines.

“I am going (so far as I know) to surprise—­possibly to alarm—­you.  There is no escaping from it, for you or for me; it must be done.

“Thinking of how best to introduce what I am now obliged to say, I can find no better way than this.  I must ask you to take your memory back to a day which we have both bitter reason to regret—­the day when Geoffrey Delamayn sent you to see me at the inn at Craig Fernie.

Project Gutenberg
Man and Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.