Options eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Options.

Options eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about Options.

“’So he has it, carefully enclosed in a buck-skin case, and is bringing it to you with all the pride and importance of a king’s messenger.  I gave him money for the round trip and for a two weeks’ stay in the city.  I wish you would see to it that he gets comfortable quarters—­Jake won’t need much looking after—­he’s able to take care of himself.  But I have read in the papers that African bishops and colored potentates generally have much trouble in obtaining food and lodging in the Yankee metropolis.  That may be all right; but I don’t see why the best hotel there shouldn’t take Jake in.  Still, I suppose it’s a rule.

“’I gave him full directions about finding you, and packed his valise myself.  You won’t have to bother with him; but I do hope you’ll see that he is made comfortable.  Take the watch that he brings you—­it’s almost a decoration.  It has been worn by true Carterets, and there isn’t a stain upon it nor a false movement of the wheels.  Bringing it to you is the crowning joy of old Jake’s life.  I wanted him to have that little outing and that happiness before it is too late.  You have often heard us talk about how Jake, pretty badly wounded himself, crawled through the reddened grass at Chancellorsville to where your father lay with the bullet in his dear heart, and took the watch from his pocket to keep it from the “Yanks.”

“’So, my son, when the old man comes consider him as a frail but worthy messenger from the old-time life and home.

“’You have been so long away from home and so long among the people that we have always regarded as aliens that I’m not sure that Jake will know you when he sees you.  But Jake has a keen perception, and I rather believe that he will know a Virginia Carteret at sight.  I can’t conceive that even ten years in Yankee-land could change a boy of mine.  Anyhow, I’m sure you will know Jake.  I put eighteen collars in his valise.  If he should have to buy others, he wears a number 15-1/2.  Please see that he gets the right ones.  He will be no trouble to you at all.

“’If you are not too busy, I’d like for you to find him a place to board where they have white-meal corn-bread, and try to keep him from taking his shoes off in your office or on the street.  His right foot swells a little, and he likes to be comfortable.

“’If you can spare the time, count his handkerchiefs when they come back from the wash.  I bought him a dozen new ones before he left.  He should be there about the time this letter reaches you.  I told him to go straight to your office when he arrives.’”

As soon as Blandford had finished the reading of this, something happened (as there should happen in stories and must happen on the stage).

Percival, the office boy, with his air of despising the world’s output of mill supplies and leather belting, came in to announce that a colored gentleman was outside to see Mr. Blandford Carteret.

“Bring him in,” said Blandford, rising.

Project Gutenberg
Options from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.